Most Likely To


Forum Deputy Chief
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Alright folks. With the end of refresher/orientation coming up at my new job, I wanted to put together one of those "Most Likely To" surveys for my yeargroup.

I'm looking for between, oh, I dunno, 10 and 50 questions. Some EMS, some generic.

So, fire away.
Come on people, 31 views and no replies?

Someone must have some ideas!
I was trying to think of something, but I am not quite sure what exactly you are asking for. Post some examples you have thought of and maybe that will give people some inspiration.
I thought of a few but I don't think they're very good but i'll post em up just to get it started.

Most likely to intubate the stomach
Most likely to blow a vein on (Insert name of someone known to have good veins or is a work out addict)
Most likely to get married next
Most likely to be in a movie

just threw down the first things that popped into my head
Prefect, prefect....

Stuff like that.

I have most likely to accidentally sick themselves with an Epi pen. Most likely to leave a piece of equipment on scene. A few generic ones....
Most likely to accidentally leave the patient on scene when going transporting.
Most likely to forget where the ambulance is parked.
Most likely to kill someone...... wait, ummmmm
Most likely to troll Internet for homework assignment.:D
Most likely to have an unpleasant encounter with the medical director.
Most likely to quit first.

Most likely to fight with a nurse.

Most likely to wrestle with a patient
Most likely to fall off their own stretcher.
Most likely to pawn the monitor.
Most likely to mistake a banana for their laryngoscope.
Least likely to die without at least 9 things on their belt.
Most likely to buy a belt clip for their belt clip.
Most likely to be ran over by his own ambulance.

Most likely to have an unfortunate accident with a pen light.

Most likely to troll the other crews.
Most likely to blush while running a 12 lead on a female PT.