Magazine Subscriptions


Forum Asst. Chief
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Anyone here subscribe to any decent magazines that are worth it? Can be EMS related on not. I enjoy reading actual copies of magazines vs. digital or Podcast, and currently get EMSWorld, Vertical 911, and Backpacker. Anyone get anything else they enjoy?
I'm liking EMSDirector so far. The publisher doesn't have a digital edition, only print.
EMS World, Prehospital Emergency Care, Aviation History, Air & Space, The Hockey News. If they had a magazine called "Paramedics who Fly Airplanes and Play Hockey," I'd buy that, too.
Anyone here subscribe to any decent magazines that are worth it? Can be EMS related on not. I enjoy reading actual copies of magazines vs. digital or Podcast, and currently get EMSWorld, Vertical 911, and Backpacker. Anyone get anything else they enjoy?
I also *prefer* hard copies of magazines and books, but I've pretty much 100% switched to electronic versions of everything I read due to the (usually) lower cost and for convenience.

The only periodicals I currently subscribe to is the Wall Street Journal. Through my AANA Journal membership I also get the AANA Journal (which is ok) and the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation newsletter, which usually has some interesting stuff in it. I've read Backpacker in the past, too. I subscribed to Outside for many years until a handful of years ago when I got tired of them working their politics into so many of the articles. I still have big piles of National Geographic and Nat Geo Traveler from when I subscribed to those. I might re-subscribe to both of those soon.
Will have to check out the New Yorker. I could use some culture and manners :)

Nat Geo Travler has also been something I have been wanting to check out. Have gotten big into backpacking, and in the process of planning a 5 day backwoods trip to Yellowstone and surrounding areas. I want to expand my travels a bit though other then the continental US.
Journal of Special Operations Medicine. The AACN journal usually has a few good articles.
Journal of Special Operations Medicine, how is that?

Only got a few issues so far. Some of it isn't relevant to civilian EMS but still pretty awesome content. A lot of good critical care and trauma topics covered.
I subscribe to JEMS - but hard copies no longer are issued I believe. I also read Country Living magazine, they have some helpful tips for wilderness safety and activities. I've attended a few of their fairs as well, and have been lucky to find tools (utility knives and such) for safety in my travels.