MA company info

Companies in trouble?

Necroing the most comprehensive (eastern) MA jobs thread with some updates:

I spoke with a Lifeline employee recently and was told that there's a lot of uncertainty about the company's future due to the charges their management is facing, but so far, nothing's changed. As the employee put it, "My check still clears every week, but..."
That said, their site still reports that they're hiring.

It seems Fallon is tightening their belts; I'm told they laid off a number of their management staff and a shocking number of their (previously numerous) supervisors. Some of these people are reported to have gone to other companies, including one that apparently defected to McCall and took several of the company's facility contracts with him. So far, I haven't seen a reduction in Fallon trucks on the road; they're still clogging up Shattuck St. and Blossom St. every day.

Spaulding and the Partners hospitals aren't currently hiring EMTs or ED techs.

The BI isn't currently hiring ED techs or other EMT positions.

South Shore Hospital, which I previously forgot about, has 4 paramedic spots open. Search "paramedic" on their career site.

The Steward network, which ate most of the crappy community hospitals in the eastern half of the state, has a part-time opening for an ED Tech in Fall River
Doesn't (didn't?) Fallon HAVE the Partner's contract? Granted, due to the company I worked for, I never really got a handle on Boston area EMS politics.
Doesn't (didn't?) Fallon HAVE the Partner's contract? Granted, due to the company I worked for, I never really got a handle on Boston area EMS politics.

Fallon still has the Partners contract; I don't know when it's up for bid again. I've heard that AMR chose not to re-bid for Partners because it ended up losing them money; that might be what's happening to Fallon because of the requirement for a lot of units available within strict time limits. As I mentioned, they seem to have a ton of trucks at the Brigham and the General all day, and sometimes at night. It's a bit annoying to pull into the Brigham ambulance bay and see most of the spots occupied by BLS transfers.

They share the contract with Cataldo, which seems to be a healthier and more successful service (or maybe I just like their approach more), but Fallon takes most of the calls except on the North Shore. There are a ton of factors that I can't find out about because private companies have a strong interest in keeping these things secret.
Fallon still has the Partners contract; I don't know when it's up for bid again. I've heard that AMR chose not to re-bid for Partners because it ended up losing them money; that might be what's happening to Fallon because of the requirement for a lot of units available within strict time limits. As I mentioned, they seem to have a ton of trucks at the Brigham and the General all day, and sometimes at night. It's a bit annoying to pull into the Brigham ambulance bay and see most of the spots occupied by BLS transfers.

They share the contract with Cataldo, which seems to be a healthier and more successful service (or maybe I just like their approach more), but Fallon takes most of the calls except on the North Shore. There are a ton of factors that I can't find out about because private companies have a strong interest in keeping these things secret.

Fallon has the Partners contract and calls Cataldo for assistance on the contract as needed.

While most of the Fallon layoffs were management level, they are also presently on a BLS hiring freeze.
Don't they hire in groups anyway? 30 at a time, so aren't they in a "freeze" between orientation classes?
Don't they hire in groups anyway? 30 at a time, so aren't they in a "freeze" between orientation classes?

The word I heard was freeze, but it could be that they are just waiting for the next orientation to open up. It also didn't seem like they had a date in mind for the next orientation either.
I forgot about Spaulding. As you might have guessed, they're the in-house IFT service for the Spaulding facilities. They're small, and a partner of mine mocks them as the only 9-5 ambulance service in Boston, but I've never had any issues with them. Jobs are posted through the Partners careers site; I don't see any at the moment, but searching for "EMT" should bring them up.

Darn good money at Spaulding, it's said, and they will pay for you to further your education. It's part of the Partner's empire.

Last I talked to the MedFlight gang they're frequently doing ground transports (as the only true CCT outfit around here) for nonsense stuff from the Cape and such -- folks on a few drips that end up qualifying it as critical care, that sort of thing. And hell, seems like there'd be appeal in telling facilities they don't need to send half their staff along with the transfer. But I'm no business whiz.
Unusually, a verifiable source on the Fallon cuts.


Fallon Ambulance Service trimmed about 25 positions in reaction to a drop in its Medicare reimbursement rates that takes effect this month.

The Quincy-based ambulance company cut the jobs last month, according to Peter Racicot, a senior vice president at Fallon. Eight of the affected employees were able to transfer into EMT or paramedic jobs in the field, while the remaining workers are no longer with the company, Racicot said.

The reduction, according to Racicot, represents just a small portion of the company’s overall work force: Fallon currently employs about 600 people, including 434 full-time workers and 170 part-timers.