I transported this lady being discharged from the hospital to a nursing home. During transport her blood pressure was routinely 75 / 46 77/ 49 etc on her forearm which was the only place I could get a B/P other than her leg. I automatically assumed it was falty reading because all of her other vitals were normal. She was oriented x3, pulse 85, RR 20, SPO2 99 on O2, 2 second cap refill and a normal peripheal pulse. She had no pain other than her ulcer and warm and dry to the touch. After not getting a read on her leg I readjusted to a new smaller cuff to her forearm and it read 95 / 63 which i was ok with but as we began to arrive to the nursing home her B/P dropped back to 75. I then told my paramedic partner about the situation and he said it was probably due to her beta blockers but I dont recall her receiving any medication upon leaving. I know I should have taken a manual after we arrived but I took my partners word on it and dropped her off. She still seemed fine after moving her and when i said my goodbyes to her. I also called about 4 and half to 5 hours later and the home said she is alert and ok. I am still worried that i made the wrong decision by leaving her and wonder if I should have taken her to the E.R. There is nothing I can do about it now and the fact that the home said she is fine gives me some relief. I am only 8 months into being an EMT and definitely learning as much as I can every shift I work I guess I am afraid of this coming back to bite me later.