lost a life, trying to figure out what happened

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i was playing baseball today (85 degree weather, sun shining) when our catcher had some type of episode that I initially thought was heat stroke. The guy, 32, obese, was on his back, eyes open, right fist clenched. When I checked for breathing, his teeth were clenched shut. I somehow pried them open and found his tongue in the front of his mouth (I was debating a finger sweep). I gave him a couple breaths, they went in, then he started vomiting, not food, more like saliva/fluids, so I rolled him on his side to get it out. Then he started exhaling more like a snore which I believe is agonal breathing. Even though his eyes were open (they were from the beginning so I couldn't really gauge loss of consciousness until I asked him to blink and he didn't), I started doing CPR which, admittedly sucked since I haven't applied my EMT training that I got 10 years ago from a course I took at a community college. My arms weren't straight. Since I was successful with the rescue breaths/turn him over to vomit fluids I focused more on that, then compression. By the time the EMT guys arrived, 7 min's had passed and my catcher's face changed color to pale/blue. It sucked, it sucks and I'd like to figure out if it was heat stroke, heart attack, stroke, maybe he choked (I was thinking about a tracheotomy but that was above my basic training) seizure (he didn't have epilepsy, I asked while all this craziness was going on). Anyway, I'm bummed, but I'd like to learn in case something like this happens again.
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There are other details I forgot. When I initially thought it was heat stroke, with the help of some other people, took off all his catching gear. I left his shirt on I figured for dignity and then someone handed me cold bottled water so I poured it on the back of his neck. Initially he was flailing around. I don't understand b/w unresponsive and unconscious as far as giving CPR. He was unresponsive, but seemed conscious- at least at first. Now that I think about it, he couldn't have been choking b/c the rescue breaths went in successfully, so I guess it's good I didn't jab him in the neck with a pen.
Next time jab the pen. Sadly, by not doing Bic therapy, you lost this life. Better luck next time!
Sounds like a seizure and/or stroke.
There is no way we could tell you what caused it without being there and even then we still might not know.
Did he have a pulse before you did all that stuff? Was he breathing, despite the clenched teeth?
I'd just like to point out the fact heat stroke is not a catch all term, heat exhaustion and stroke are two very different things @scottherenow
Did he have a pulse before you did all that stuff? Was he breathing, despite the clenched teeth?
His teeth were so tight no air was going through. When I pried them open he still wasn't breathing, but I could do mouth to mouth. I couldn't feel a pulse from the beginning, but he was sort of conscious in that he was initially having a seizure, eyes open so I assumed I just couldn't detect a pulse b/c his neck was so thick and I was rushing. At some point he had no pulse, and I'm hoping it wasn't too soon before I did CPR. It was just so many things going wrong at once it was overwhelming to decide what TF to do.
Can you please elaborate?

Google can.. "Difference between heat stroke and heat exhaustion"... Yielded 128,000 results in .63 seconds.

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what an ironic quote you have.
just trying to show exactly what i typed JUSTTTTT incase we had some less educated folks come on here and ask some ludicrous questions.
Had to clean up this thread. @scottherenow I suggest you choose better language. This thread is being watched now.
Next time jab the pen. Sadly, by not doing Bic therapy, you lost this life. Better luck next time!
Since this is the post that pissed me off, can I say that? I'd like to clarify ONE more time. Rescue breaths go in successfully, therefore airway not obstructed, therefore tracheotomy pointless, therefore this guy sucks suggesting I killed the guy b/c I didn't stick a freaking, can I say that? pen in my catcher's neck. And if you don't understand why this pisses me off, you have existed online disconnected from reality for too long. Or maybe he was being so funny like his hilarious bicycle helmet in the very-fitting shape of an overgrown baby head.
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