lost a life, trying to figure out what happened

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Do you seriously think that a sticking a pen in a patient's neck is even a remotely viable option ever? You keep repeating it. This is not a movie.
I think these points are worth delineating.

1) your friend, the baseball catcher, suffered an unfortunate medical emergency which killed him.

2) you attempted to save him as best as you knew how.

3) you have some bizarre ideas as to what would constitute appropriate medical care.

4) you're in shock and/or angry at the outcome.

5) you wanted some answers and/or validation from the EMS professionals here, neither of which are forthcoming.

6) you are not an EMS professional and do not understand our particular brand of snark and humor.

In closing, we're sorry about your friend, there are no answer to be had here and this is probably not the appropriate forum for you.
I leave you with this.
Or maybe he was being so funny like his hilarious bicycle helmet in the very-fitting shape of an overgrown baby head.

Excuse me! But that is a MOTORCYCLE HELMET and it is not a overgrown baby's head as you can clearly see the receding hairline along with the sideburns/scruff as part of the helmet.
Excuse me! But that is a MOTORCYCLE HELMET and it is not a overgrown baby's head as you can clearly see the receding hairline along with the sideburns/scruff as part of the helmet.

Enjoy fantasy land… for now. But one day reality will hit and the pathetic realization will set in that you wasted your time being a court jester for strangers who won’t be there for you in your time of need.

Sucks I didn't get much input here as to understanding what may have triggered his death, so instead I'll settle for the love and support of my friends and family. Peace.
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