Look What JON emailed me!!!

LOL x1.5 :D:D:D
That is great!! He gets my vote!
while id vote for R/r to head up any ems related decision or bureau, i'll have to pass on electing him president.

i really dont want to have to put on a shirt and tie in the middle of the night when i head to the bathroom to maintain a constant state of professionalism.....
Wow.. I wanna know how this came about haha!

He's got my vote! :D Wait.. I'm not American hehe ^_^
LOL that was great!
Sure why not he couldn't do any worse than any of the other ones in fact he might do a better job.
Only if he gets a running mate hotter than Sarah Palin!

But seriously though, we did put a Texan in the White House, so I guess an Oakie is o.k.
I'd move and vote for him.:)
Only if he gets a running mate hotter than Sarah Palin!

But seriously though, we did put a Texan in the White House, so I guess an Oakie is o.k.

He's not a Texan. He may claim to be, but to me he's from Connecticut.

Just my .02. No political debate here.
great video! I'll be the first to ask, how was that done?
Well I am in discussions with Sara, we have a lot in common. Also, I think I have this financial problem solved. It might irritate a lot of Higher Up's in the baking world. I personally like Truman's philosophy and Regan's works.... The Buck Stops Here!

R/r in '08
Wow.. I wanna know how this came about haha!

He's got my vote! :D Wait.. I'm not American hehe ^_^

Don't you canadians have enough candidates to choose from with your 20 some parties without crossing the border?? :P
lol, that awsome. I love things like that haha