Rales/crackles is a sign of fluid inside the actual passageways of the lungs. Edema is fluid inside the tissues.
Think of it like a garden hose. If the water is inside the house, it is rales/crackles and it prevents air from perfusing because the water is in the way.
If someone steps on the hose, it compresses the inside and blocks air from going anywhere. In the case of edema, the fluid is on the outside compressing the inside and causing blockage.
inspiratory, dry;air can't get in, ergo upper airway. (Lower airway embarassment, at least beyond the trachea, is not easy to hear because it is muffled). Made on inspiration. Often a "crowing" sound.
exhalatory, dry; air can't get out. More "windy" plus "harmonica" versus stridor. Usually bronchii and bronchioles in origin due to inflammation, exudation,
and/or constriction. MOst adults can produce a forced end-expiratory wheeze for teaching purposes, but sit down, you might fall out.
"Rales" (glad that term is back):
inhalatory, wet; tiny crackles made when tiny bronchioles and alveolii "pop" open as the gradient of ambient air pressure versus intra-bronchiolar or alveolar air pressure rises high enough to overcome the surface tension of exudate, serum or even water which is holding them shut. Each tiny crackle (think dribbling dry sand on a snare drum or empty coffee can) is an airway popping open.
"Rhoncii": gurgles on
exhalation. Wet.
Swelling makes the walls of the "garden hose" thicker. Not usually without some fluid involved (leaking serum, thin pus). It swells inwardly and outwardly, and the inward swelling tends to decrease the caliber of the airway.
So the hose is sort-of being stepped on (stridor and wheezing), but someone poured bacon grease (well, serum/pus/exudate) down there and the goo is compounding the airway blockage (rales and rhoncii).
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000140.htm FLuid back upm i the alveoli; and we know that wet alveoli will tend to (initially) make what sound?
And when there are no ralns nor rhoncii or stidor or wheezing, the pt is doing better right?