Can I hold them accountable for doing what they were told, by other incompetent people made instructor? No.
Can I hold them accountable for not self educating to understand what is truly right. Absolutely. And I do.
ACLS has been shown to not affect whether or not a cardiac arrest patient will walk out of the hospital. does that mean you are no longer going to follow the protocol on your next cardiac arrest patient?
Please don't think I think we should overoxygenate everyone, but for change to happen, it needs to start with the medical directors, ER doctors, EMT curriculum writers, and everyone who writes protocols. you can't fault an ignorant crew for following what they were taught and what their protocols say to do, regardless of if it's wrong or not.
The new trend is less oxygen... even AHA is finally recognizing this. Again, treat the patient NOT the monitor.. numbers.... or protocols!!
I have heard this before... so if I pick up grandma who is complaining of feeling sick, and has a pulse ox of 74, I shouldn't put her on supplemental oxygen?
You can't just treat the numbers, but use them to formulate a treatment plan.
Find me a documented case where a lawsuit was opened yet alone lost because oxygen was not administered when it wasn't indicated or a patient was not long boarded. (good luck)
According to current standards/protocols, oxygen is always indicated. until the standards and protocols are changed, failing to administer oxygen is failing to do your job according to current standards, which can be cause for termination. You might be right but until the governing body catches up, it's going to be an uphill battle winning that fight.
I do know of people who were disciplined for not C-spining people, and people who were not disciplined for over c-spining people.