Hi I am doing a EMT I course.
I was given the following in my exam.
An infant 5 months old.
Blue skin tone
Held by the mother.
I took the child preformed a mouth check immediately, I found milk, fluid in the mouth of the child, I flipped the child onto the stomach and preformed a clearing procedure, (cleared all milk and other material,l clearance from the direct airway) This was done twice (the instructor claimed that I was not successful with the first attempt) after 2 attempts, the child continued to cry, had a breath of 6 breathes per 10 seconds, but was still blue was crying. As a EMT I called for paramedic, Then cancelled the call after 60 heart beats per second was found. The child WAS conscious at this stage.
Because the baby was blue, (instructor based call) I decided to use the AMBU (I don’t know what you call it but we call it AMBU, it’s the manual air united forcing air into the child) this unit was connected to O2 providing 10 liters per minute, my call was to manually ventilate the baby with O2 (It was blue)
As an after thought the instructor was planning to test me for foreign airway obstruction.
This threw me totally, how can a child be breathing 60 breaths per minute, conscious be blue. Ok I thought, blue is sign of lack of O2 lets try control the breaths, give the child O2. I applied 1 breath 3-4 seconds. (I failed the exam for using the AMBU) We will not go into the fact that I over squeezed the AMBU, the chief complaint was that I used the AMBU in the first place. I could have used a face mask (passive) instead of using the AMBU (aggressive),
In my opinion the child was wild in panic, chocked on its mother’s milk, this is acceptable, it happens. There is no “solid” martial that the child can choke on, I cleared the mouth and airway 2 times and the child was blue, There was no sign of an obstruction in the airway as the child had 60 breaths per minute, I could have given a mask (passive) but I wanted to be ready for CPR (so I used the AMBO it’s a CPR exam after all)
There is no chance of a solid marital getting stuck in the throat as we are talking about mothers milk. So obviously the only thing we are talking about is drowning, with milk. Without underling medical conditions, (I did not ask as there are to many people to ask ie the examiner the fake mother etc, and this information is generally automatically given by the family at the time of the event) So here is my questions, what do you do in this situation, use AMBU to regulate breathing ? How do you identify chocking of the victim if they have normal breaths 60 + - in an infant ? and how would you have don’t different ?
Thanks for the answers.