In Your Pockets?

Oh, I carry eye goggles, N95, steth and a pupil light.trauma shears are in there too if they haven't disappeared.
Wallet, keys, cellphone, pen light, and trauma sheers in the leg pouch. What more do you really need?
In my scrubs I carry an extra non disposable pulse ox cable (I really hate not having one when I am putting a trauma patient on monitor), my I-Pod touch,pens,lab cheat sheet(for draws),gum, $5.00 for break (if I get one)and an extra pair of gloves. I keep a pair of trauma shears and a roll of tape clipped to my pants with hemostats. When I work peds I also have my stethoscope for counting respiration's on the little ones. I quit wearing mine around my neck after my first orientation shift, tech with stethoscope around neck = tool.

My turnouts are a different story but only the other fire guys would relate to or understand the nifty high tech stuff we carry in our pockets or tucked in our helmets. Maybe some of the other fire guys would like to chime in. For those unfamiliar with the fire service or those interested in someday being a FF there are a couple of threads on titled what do you carry in your turnouts, specifically look for the post by Truckman(a true old school truckie) in case you if you ever wondered whats in a fireman's pants. I meant pockets!

What high tech stuff? I keep a Gerber Ez out, a linemans tool, my nomex hood, a personal rope, and some latex gloves in my bunker pants.
Shirt Pocket 1: Flash-drive
Shirt Pocket 2: Pen, company business cards
Leg Pocket 1: Cigarettes and lighter
Leg Pocket 2: Wallet, checkbook
What is everyone's fascination with carrying a knife on them? In my 10 years, I've never had to use a knife for anything...but I've heard of a few times - not many, but a few - where it has been yanked out of their front pocket (where it is conveniently clipped) and used as a weapon.

Does the benefit outweigh the risks?

I've carried multiple knives on me everyday since middle school, I live in the country and they get used every day. Pocket knives are tools not weapons, the only knife that I carry that is considered a weapon is my boot knife and I've carried it every day since a crack head made me get my side stitched up. and next year when my state's law changes I'll carry a sidearm when on duty for the same reason. And only an idiot would keep a knife cliped where someone else can see it easily, "out of site, out of mind"
I usually carry my county card and CPR card (as required), a pen, gloves, gum, shears, tissues, a little cash or a card, keys, and a cell phone. Everything else anyone might need is in the bag, which goes on all calls anyways.
Left pocket: Keys. Right pocket: Wallet and pen. Left cargo: Cell phone (with our chairs in the dayroom, it's better that way). Right cargo: Scope with a penlight in the appropriate slot (I normally wear ****ies). If I'm wearing my BDUs, it's pretty much the same.

Anything other than that, I keep in my bag, including extra t-shirt, socks and boxers, various books, beef jerky, water, etc.
Bunkers and scrubs...

When I wore bunkers I carried a pocket flashlight and two hose spanners. My Armee Suisse officer's knife was in my fatigue pockets under the bunkers. SAC line badge was on fatigue shirt pocket.
My current carry around stuff is in the long thread on what people carry posted months ago elsewhere.
Well, lets see.

In my jumpsuit currently:

Left chest pocket: Key card, pen. (How on earth can I start a shift with 4 pens and halfway thru be down to one? Ask anyone at my service, I am famous for loosing pens. More on that one later.:P)

Right Chest pocket: Pager.

Left front pocket: Receipt from lunch, pack of raspberry gum, an unused napkin :unsure:

Right front pocket: 3 Gloves, a pack of wintermint gum.

Right rear pocket: Wallet

Left rear pocket: Field/spelling guide, SOAP "cheat" card, two dollars.

Left leg pocket (Top): 5 Gloves, $.78 (two quarters, one dime, three nickles, and three pennys.) small notepad.

Left leg pocket (Bottom): Nuffin.

Right leg pocket (Top): Shears, 2 gloves, roll of 1 inch tape, notepad page with some long distant pts vitals on it. (Most recent set: B/P 150/95, P 95 Irreg/Irreg, R 14 Reg SPO2 100% on 4 L NC, BGL 340, Moniter shows A-Fib. L/S clear = & Bi-lat)

Right leg pocket (Bottom): SPO2
I'm not wearing any pants.

Outer shirt pocket. Candy Wrapper. Pen. Jolly Rancher. 3 Used tissues. Empty blister pack from Sudafed

Inner shirt pockets. Right Chest. Gas Card. Whoops, should prolly take that back. Left pocket. $2. Right lower pocket. One black glove, nitrile, medium. Left lower pocket, 1/2 of a 3x3 gauze pad. Yes, if the cut is small, I cut the gauze pad in half. Bandage scissors. Mine, ambulance never has good scissors for the purpose of fine cutting. Inside pocket. Old blackberry, leaking something from a crack.
Other than the usual wallet, cell phone etc.

Let's see, 1-2 pairs of gloves. I also wear my trauma shears, multi-tool, REALLY BRIGHT pen light. Also, we at AMR have to wear a pouch containing an extra set of glove, faceshield mask, N95 mask, and a cond:ph34r: for those unexpected occasionsB)
Wallet, a knife (yeah, yeah, I know. I HAVE used it), a lighter (nasty, disgusting habit, shouldn't have started, trying to quit), and a pair or two of gloves. That's it.
Other than the usual wallet, cell phone etc.

Let's see, 1-2 pairs of gloves. I also wear my trauma shears, multi-tool, REALLY BRIGHT pen light. Also, we at AMR have to wear a pouch containing an extra set of glove, faceshield mask, N95 mask, and a cond:ph34r: for those unexpected occasionsB)

Um, CM, HOW do you fit all that in your pouch, my (small) N95 barely fits.
I have the 511 Tactical pants I think, and they have 9 pockets.

I don't keep anything in the front pockets or the back pockets, except for maybe some spare change. In the R main cargo are my pens and cell phone, in the L main cargo is my wallet, trauma shears, penlight and watch.

There are two smaller pockets on the legs, just inferior to the cargo pockets. Sometimes I'll keep a note pad in there, or an EKG I want to keep, but I don't keep anything in there on a regular basis.

My steth I wear while on shift. I have had to accidentally grow legs and wander off too often when I left it in the ambulance, so now I keep it on my person.