In Your Pockets?

Right pocket: Car Keys

Right Back Pocket: Wallet

Right Thigh Pocket: Quickflip guide (if it's not sitting on the truck), scissors, pen light, and pens. I keep the scissors and pen light because our company issued jump bags are tagged and those items for some reason are kept in the tag locked pocket. Go figure.

Nothing on the left side usually, if I forget my phone carrier I put my phone in my left pockets.
I'll play again I guess:
I wear 5.11 EMS pants, so the thigh pockets have a little pocket in them. anyways.
I try to keep nothing in my front top pockets, and nothing in my back pockets
Left thigh pocket: Wallet in the little pocket, shears and pens in the strap pockets
Right thigh pocket: iTouch in little pocket, pen light in the strap pocket.
Lower left leg: Gloves
Lower right leg: nothing.
Steth is usually around my neck but sometimes it winds up in the big right thigh pocket and my cell is in a clip on my belt.
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I use my knife several times a day. Every time I see dirt under my finger nails I pull my knife out and clean under my nails.

I would probably do the same thing...
I hate stuff in my pockets so the less the better... usually just car keys, cell clipped to inside of my pocket, and extra set of gloves.
Um, CM, HOW do you fit all that in your pouch, my (small) N95 barely fits.

We have a differen't type of mask. It's more compact that the cup-shaped ones and it folds in have. My face shield and gloves are one i got from a convention. THey're more compact than the ones issured, plus, better quality. Also, the :ph34r:, well... if they fit in your wallet then...-_-
Pouch? What, are you a kangaroo?

It's a little pouch that slips onto your belt, issued by the company, and considered part of the uniform, aka, if you're not wearing it, the supervisor can throw a fit over it.
We have a differen't type of mask. It's more compact that the cup-shaped ones and it folds in have. My face shield and gloves are one i got from a convention. THey're more compact than the ones issured, plus, better quality. Also, the :ph34r:, well... if they fit in your wallet then...-_-

Ahhhhh, I see! Yeah, I don't care the :ph34r: that's HIS job :P Course, I'm really not sure why you're concerned with that at work!
Well, I'm not... Anymore.