Tigger, you're absolutely right about smoking being unhealthy in general. Inhaling heated gas and particulates isn't good for you.
As for not touching the vaccine comment… May I? Vaccines DO NOT cause autism, and I still have no idea where the SIDS reference came from. Yes, autism is on the rise, but there is NO evidence that vaccines are in any way responsible. Yes, there are preservatives and various chemicals present in vaccines that are "bad" for you, but they are present in very small amounts and there is an abundant lack of data from opponents of vaccination that they are causing any problems. Speculation about vaccines being linked to autism is just that: speculation. And the benefits of vaccination far outweigh a speculative risk (polio anyone?). Sure, more people are being vaccinated than ever, but there are many many other things that we are in contact with now more than ever as well, and any may be a contributing factor… Pollution, prescription meds, cleaning chemicals, antibiotics, new bacteria and microbes, female suffrage (kidding). There are so many things out there that could potentially be linked to autism or cancer rates that it may be impossible to tell for sure if any are proximate causes.
Also, take into account the fact that autism awareness plays a very significant role in that 1 in 50 statistic. "While government researchers admitted they cannot be certain of the reasons behind the upward trend in numbers of children parents report as having been diagnosed with autism, they concluded that better testing methods, changes in diagnostic services and increased awareness of ASD among parents, educators and health care professionals probably explain the striking rise in autism prevalence."
The article does conclude that there is an increase in autism, but that is in part explainable by increased awareness and better testing.