I want it ALL...certified in every state that is!


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I want to get my EMT B cert in every possible state that offers reciprocity without being a resident. Currently I have my cert for California ( where I work and reside) and my NR just expired... I am going to recert it as soon as I can. In the meantime, does anyone know what states are easy to get certified in? i.e like online or a mail in application?

Any suggestions would be helpful, and thank you to those have any.

If you have your NR, you can do the entire Colorado process by mail. It's cheap too, though you'll need an FBI background check since you live out of state.

I'm still trying to figure out how this will be useful...
...Why throw away so much money?

I mean, really, it's expensive enough and enough of a headache to maintain certification in one state, why compound the problem fifty-fold if you don't have to?

Shoot, you could mail me all the money you'd spend on certs for all 50 states and I'll send you a postcard from every state.
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you mean i could get a postcard from every state!!!


i'm in!

really, i just want to be able to work anywhere. i do not have a location preference, so i'd like to be able to apply ANYWHERE when i see a job listing that interests me. including international, seagoing, hostile environments, and any other crazy, adventurous, not your everyday EMS gig.

By the way, do you think they need EMTs on the moon? The space station perhaps?
You don't have to be pre-certified to apply for jobs. Just make sure you are eligible to get a cert in that state before you apply. Every EMS job I have seen says something like "Current state certification, or ability to obtain state certification with xyz # of days".
By the way, do you think they need EMTs on the moon? The space station perhaps?

I dont know, give it a shot and report back to us.
You need to chill out youre not going to find a crazy adventurous job, depending on the area you live in youll be lucky if you can land a gig giving grandma a ride to her dialysis appointment. If you really wanna work in any state just keep up your NREMT and if you move to another state THEN apply for a license in that state.
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...Why throw away so much money?

I mean, really, it's expensive enough and enough of a headache to maintain certification in one state, why compound the problem fifty-fold if you don't have to?

It's only expensive for the states that charge for certification/license. New Hampshire and CT do not, I know for a fact. Unless you count the cost of a stamp as being expensive.
Send me some money and i'll take a picture of my patch and mail it to you

you mean i could get a postcard from every state!!!


i'm in!

really, i just want to be able to work anywhere. i do not have a location preference, so i'd like to be able to apply ANYWHERE when i see a job listing that interests me. including international, seagoing, hostile environments, and any other crazy, adventurous, not your everyday EMS gig.

By the way, do you think they need EMTs on the moon? The space station perhaps?

How do you plan on keeping up on the required continuing education for each state? Not all states accept the same CEUs.

As has been said, your NREMT will me much more useful, especially for non-stateside jobs or federal government positions.
I highly doubt it's a serious question at all.

If it is, what is your point in getting a certification in many States? Why make the State waste time processing your application when that time could be spent on someone else's who actually need it to practice in that State.

Some States require affiliation with an EMS agency in order to be granted a certification. Maryland and West Virginia are two that do so cross those of your list.
i know a couple people from my work currently have cards for 4 states.

Do realize how much time, effort and money it takes for each state? You'd have paperwork out the ears. I'm all for being gung-ho but you have to draw the line somewhere. Your best bet is to maintain your NR cert, especially if you have one or two states to put on your app as well. Employers will still look at you, and if they give you the opportunity take the time to get certified in their state.

Work smarter, not harder. Not all young people are dumb.
I foresee an account being locked in the near future and for a change it's not mine. LOL
i was buzzed when i posted that...my apologies to all those who were flabbergasted by a simple question.

it sounded like a good idea at the time. :rolleyes:

i didnt think abou tall the paperwork and CE's.

I was, however, looking into jobs internationally and I meet the min quals with my 2 years experience as an EMT-B....not shuffling grandma, but working ALS EMS rigs.