I have to share this!


Kip Teitsort, Founder
I just received a phone call from a guy that I have been working with. He has presented my course to legislation for implementation on a statewide level. He also presented it to the Commander of the State Police.

All received it with great praise. I will travel out of state to meet with these legislators the end of Sept.

I just had to share here because of the support you have shown me!!

See people that have reviewed the material can see I am not trying to teach people to fight.

I will keep everyone posted!! Dang I am so stoked!! :D
Congrats...looking forward to viewing your DVD.
Thanks!! The DVD was instrumental in the presentation is what I was told. I think I am going to stop selling them until after I meet with the legislators. This could be a huge step for me and my family. We may have to relocate.

Either way, it was something that I started with the purest of intentions. It may finally "pay" instead of costing my family.

I was expecting the response to be lukewarm at best. But apparently I was wrong.

It took a person with the contacts to get it on the level it needed to be. I am not counting any eggs until they are hatched, but man what a ride!

I have always been the "in the trenches" kind of guy. I was always the supervisor that got in trouble by admin because I cared so much about the people I worked with.

When I put together this program it was looking through the eyes of the guys/gal on the street and what we were faced with. Then I put the protection for us and the admin.

Like Asys and others there is a concern about "John Wayne" attitude. It is more on the new guys than the vets. I know this and knew it when I put the program together.

Those angles were aparenlty covered well enough for people to take the course serious this week.

I got the phone call at 2300............. He couldn't wait until the next day to tell me. Kinda the same way I am having to share it now. :blink:
Very cool. :)

Now, kids, see what happens with some hard work and a good idea???
Awesome! :D :D :D
Congrats DT4EMS!! Staying safe is always the safe way to go!! Man, that kinda sounds like a condom commercial -- Dahhhh da daaaaaa Trojan Man!

Anyway, your hard work hopefully will pay off!!

Originally posted by dgmedic@Aug 11 2005, 05:17 PM
Congrats DT4EMS!! Staying safe is always the safe way to go!! Man, that kinda sounds like a condom commercial -- Dahhhh da daaaaaa Trojan Man!

Anyway, your hard work hopefully will pay off!!

:o :D

Now that's a funny way to look at it!! Thanks everyone! I will gladly pass on news as I get it.

Needless to say I have had a hard time sleeping now........ :D

Curious to see how this all plays out. :unsure:
Way to go, we are all very proud of you!
Congratulations on your success...We need more free-thinkers in EMS...
You're the evolution of martial arts, taking what was a style or form, and making it actually work for people. Congratulations bro, keep up the good work.
Thank you very much! :D

I hope that we are on to something here.

People keep talking about EMS having no recognition or respect. I agree. That is why the numbers are so staggering. People have fallen into the mindset that it is "just part of the job" to be assaulted in the field.

Most of the time that is said by people who have never experienced a real attack. If you are talking about an uncooperative patient that grabs or scratches a little ..........that is an uncooperative patient and should be treated as such.

If nothing else, maybe with some higher powers that be taking it serious, self-protection skills will be a part of every core program nationwide. Not DT4EMS exclusively, but good programs targeting the needs of the providers in the field.

Even if it doesn't "go" at least I have tried. I have sparked some heated debates and brought real world self-protection skills into the open. I have also helped new folks getting into the field realize that it is not all cookies and cream.

I am no better than anyone else. Just different ;)
Congradulations!!!! I agree fully. Safety first, we cant save anyone else if we get knocked out of the job by one patient. Its good to hear that someone is standing up and making their self heard.
Cookies and Cream? EMS? Nah, they've got us confused with the fire service. ;)
congrats DT, Im glad to hear your getting closer to your goal for this program you have come up with. I wish you and your family the best of luck in the future.


-The one, the only, the who? ;)