how to get/stay in shape

The motivating factor for me is, CrossFit cost money. If I'm paying for it, I'm going.

I also like the positive feedback. That helps to keep me engaged.

It's a whole world of difference when the rest of the group is grinding it out with you.
Yes, but not the sole part. Not even the majority.

I beg to differ. Many WODs have kettlebell swings, squats, front squats, snatches, cleans, DL's, shoulder to overhead, thrusters, loaded carries, etc.

If you go on the CrossFit Journal and read the article about theoretical template for crossfit training (March or April 2003), you see how weightlifting, gymnastics, and monostructural are mixed and matched in a regular pattern. The "W" comes up quite a bit, probably 50% of the time.

The mainsite has some form of weightlifting on many of their WOD's. Just to be sure we're speaking the same language, CrossFit defines weightlifting as controlling an external object. That could be a max effort back squat, or a 53# kettlebell within a chipper WOD.

Edit: Ignoring today, which was a rest day, 5 out of the 7 last mainsite WOD's had a weightlifting component, and one of those days was also a rest day.
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Yep. I just did a WOD with KBS, split jerks and walking lunges. 2 of the three movements were weighted.
I'm not talking about using weights in general. I'm talking about the more traditional weightlifting: bench, squat, curls, moving from one to the other and never having a change in pace or movement. Considering I mentioned that I do crossfit fairly regularly, I'm quite aware that there are weights involved in crossfit.
I'm not talking about using weights in general. I'm talking about the more traditional weightlifting: bench, squat, curls, moving from one to the other and never having a change in pace or movement. Considering I mentioned that I do crossfit fairly regularly, I'm quite aware that there are weights involved in crossfit.

Sure, but others may not be aware. Many times at the different stations I work at they say that they do crossfit, but it's all bodyweight stuff, maybe some kettlebell swings and push presses with light dumbbells if that.
I go to a "big-box" gym which is right by my work/school, so it is motivating to me to not pass up an opportunity to go work out.. Seeing the gym as I drive by motivates me. I also concour strongly with the group thing, find a gym partner! I get bored sometimes without one and I have to motivate myself through listening to metal (epic battle songs while you run just make you feel epic).
Crossfit is the Scientology of fitness. Lift some weights, get on the incline treadmill, and keep your metabolic rate up
All sides have their benefit.

Personally, have never done crossfit but many friends and co workers are obsessed with it.

As much as I think they act like a cult, that's the motivation that makes them strong and keeps them showing up for workouts and improving.

Me personally, my volunteer firehouse has a very well equipped full gym that I have access to for free. It isn't worth it for me to spend the $100+ a month to go elsewhere.

What keeps me going is looking in the mirror and the desire to lift more weight than I did the last time. If I benched 310 last week, attempting to do 315 this week is what gets me in there.
Crossfit is the Scientology of fitness. Lift some weights, get on the incline treadmill, and keep your metabolic rate up

The treadmill time will be of limited usefulness when you need to control heavy and unwieldy external objects for an extended period of time (firefighting tools, wrestling, strongman type events). Likewise, if all I do is barbell complexes and the like for conditioning, I'm not going to do too well in a 5k/10k or a jump rope workout. You need both, and more.

People find this out quickly when they fail the CPAT (37 out of 39 one session IIRC). Three mins on the treadmill with 75# extra, then pull a hose, carry some tools, and they're done before they have to swing the sledge, let alone drag the dummy, let alone do the overhead breach and pull. The sad thing is, the CPAT is only a small fraction of the true physical demands of the fireground.