How many survived your EMT class?

i was part of the first city and county of honolulu emt recruit class that started in july of 2008.

we started with 21
graduated 19
16 are still on the road
and 4 of those 16 are currently in paramedic school

the second recruit class had more disastrous stats. they started with like 25 and graduated 14. they're one on one now working as primary crew.

I was part of the 'first' EMT recruit class in 1991, when they realized most of the MICT's (Paramedics) who had started in the early 70's would soon be retiring. We started with about 20; a few dropped out due to family or health reasons, but the rest graduated. There were high requirements because most of us were enrolled in work study under a multi-level plan to have the City & County of Honolulu pay all expenses and pay us wages during the 2 yrs of study in exchange for a 5 yr total commitment. It was a great deal.
Started with 30 people in my emt-b. 18 people passed the final exam.
My class started with 45. Lost 2 the first day. Then at mid-terms we went from 43 to 15. And all 15 passed. Our whole college was about 135 and only 66 graduated.
Well I might as well join in.

Had about 18 in my basic class. 17 passed the class and 16 passed the state final.

So far as I know, about 6 of us are still active.
I was part of the 'first' EMT recruit class in 1991, when they realized most of the MICT's (Paramedics) who had started in the early 70's would soon be retiring. We started with about 20; a few dropped out due to family or health reasons, but the rest graduated. There were high requirements because most of us were enrolled in work study under a multi-level plan to have the City & County of Honolulu pay all expenses and pay us wages during the 2 yrs of study in exchange for a 5 yr total commitment. It was a great deal.

In additions, we all passed the NREMT exam before we took the state exam. And then later I moved to Washington and it was all worthless without a State-approved sponsor. :wacko:What a mess of a system!
My class started out with 32 students. By the time we did state practicals we had 22.
My class started with 35, ended with 8. I thought the teacher was tough but very good. I studied a lot.
My Basic class started with 28-30 people and we finished with 11 or 12. :I

I'm in Paramedic school now and there are definitely some rather, lets say "unmotivated" individuals in my classes that I don't see lasting very long.
It's been a while, but I think we started with somewhere around 30. By the end of the class we had about 20 people. Of the 20, I think 18 of us passed the state testing.
My I class started with 26. 25 graduated and also passed the NREMT. My basic class had 4 people fail out of about 30.
My class started with 46 and we ended up with 16 taking the final and out of that 14 passed. It was a pretty tough emt class but learned alot. What happened was the main guy who ran the program got audited and was told the class was to easy. Truth is, the class had a reputation for being easy which is one reason he was auditted. Apparently someone had tipped off the state. My class was the first class to go through his "new" program which was much more difficult but it helped me pass the registry first time so I cant complain much.
Not sure why I'm piling on this thread, but we started with 30. Between attendance issues and failing tests, we had 15 take the final written test. 14 passed that, but only 4 of us passed the practical. Me and my partner, and 2 others whose partners failed.


we lost 16 but everyone who made it passed registery.

We lost some to cheating, failing, personal life issues. a few to stupidity
70-80? Thats insane.