A) If you want an intelligent conversation do not use debasing terminology...it marks your maturity and age.Originally posted by asysin2leads@Aug 9 2005, 04:05 PM
>Docs in the 60+ Hospitals in the NYC setting were adamantly against us doping >up their patients for several reasons...
>it makes them loopy and poor historians.
>The very real possibility of calling EMS for some sort of pain, and us having to >sort out those in pain for real from the junkies.
I'm glad this attitude towards pain management in NYC is starting to (slowly) diminish. Being a trauma victim at one point myself, I have a real kind of soft spot for anyone with musculoskeletal injury. Last year REMAC approved morphine as a medical control option for isolated extremity injury. Granted, the chances of an ALS unit being assigned on an isolated extremity injury is very slim, but, its a start.
The poor historian part is crap. We give morphine to people in APE, and they're history giving ability is much more important than someone who broke their leg or crashed their car. In addition, any ALS crew doing their job properly would have gotten an adequate history PRIOR to medication administration.
As for the junkie part, I shake my head a little. Sure, the EMS system gets abused day in and day out, but just because something is in a protocol DOESN'T MEAN you have to give it. If I have some skell come wandering up to the bus complaining of "severe pain in the leg", do you think he'd be getting morphine? Nope.
I realize that with the Republicans in power, getting loopy in any way, shape or form, is pretty much the worse sin you can commit, but as a medical care provider, I'm gonna stick to my commie feel good ways and say that if I have someone with multiple fractures entrapped in an MVA, I'd like to give them a little something to take the edge off before I move them, because I personally know how much it HURTS.

B ) Remember, before you there were plenty of us, and we learned our trade from Doctors who strongly felt their convictions were correct. You do not actually think you are even remotely original with this pain-free thing. We tried to float RSI and Paralytics back in the early 90's (much more important than pain management) where did that get us? Nowhere. Dr. G and even the Dr. Gonzales were so strongly against it, they raised their voices at us for even MENTIONING it.
C) I am not worried about the history they already told me...I am worried about the history they will tell the MD @ the hospital when I have gone 98/97 (89 to you, but you would not understand).
D) You are working in an era where it is rare if any medic units are accosted for their Narcs, I did not.
E) Be careful of whom you are giving vasodilators and respriatory depressants to, New Jack, people whom are entraped do not necessarily need the help you want to give. Fix the real problems like shock, then mebbe take the edge off.
Lastly, use caution on who you call out, New Jack.