How did it go today?


Forum Crew Member
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Ok so on another forum I frequently visit there is a similar thread and it gets a lot of attention and praise. So why not start one on here just to get more people on everyday to talk about things other then EMS or discuss EMS related issues.

Ill start it off. Well I got work today from 2p-10p in the slowest zone in my area which sucks because this is going to be another long shift.
haha kinda like the directionless thread but this has a direction.
theres only one thing i hate more than a 12 hr shift and thats an 8 hr shift. 24's have ruined me haha. i hate being slow at work. i go back sunday 0730-0730. i usually like working sundays but with the weekend being longer it will just mean more jacka**ery. and my normal partner took another job so its a different one every shift. so far no complaints tho.
Well, my day is just starting, and so far...I am bored.
Grocery shopping, sat around with my dogs and cats out back eating lunch (PB and apple butter with cold coffee) and watching clouds go by while hummingbirds were (still are) deciding whose feeder it is , anyway.
Oh, and reorganizing my cupboards and closets because our newly baccalaureated caught is coming home for a while.
My day is just ending. It sucked. I feel very misunderstood like usual.
Well it's about 1pm here and 62 degrees. It's my day off so I am freezing in my house eating (drinking?) soup haha.
Visited my grandparents who were just moved into assisted living. They're having a bit of trouble adjusting, but they know it's for the best.

Now I've got a 3 hour drive home before my 36hr shift starts. Ugh.
Its always rough for people to adjust to the ALF life, I know it was for my great grandparents.

Well my PTs keep refusing to go with me so my shift is going pretty well for now of course
Little different but I'll go anyway. Crappy day, had a 1 to 1 status post CABGx3 on a IABP as soon as I got work that wanted to crash. 14 blood products later and we're stabilized, ready to wean. Then the nurse in the pod next to me had some sort of family emergency and basically wrote report down on a sheet of paper and took off. Turns out one of her patients is extremely encephalopathic and like to try to get out of bed (status post craniotomy). So I got to basically wrestle with both of those all night long, then was asked to respond to a code blue 3 floors above me. 24 patients, 5 nurses in an ICU where the national standard of care is 2:1. 24/5 does not equal 2. Nightmare. Ready to quit and go back to the truck full time. Just can't afford it.
Damn that's rough dude and I heard horror stories about working ICU but not like that. Hopefully something else opens up in your hospital so you can change departments.
Anything to avoid packing

I hate moving!!!!

But I'm knocked out by the why and where of it all. Today, I live in a rain forest. Next week I'll be living in a desert. And the amazing thing is, it's a twenty minute drive to get there from here!

but wait, there's more posts to review...
Damn that's rough dude and I heard horror stories about working ICU but not like that. Hopefully something else opens up in your hospital so you can change departments.

Can't, I'm CCRN certified which means they won't even let me float, let alone change departments. Stuck til I find a different ICU to work at.
It was ok.

Had a pt who was septic after AAA surgery, and when we got there his wife was having a MI.

The guy had a hx of 6 coronary artery aneurisms(sp?).,

Then had a pt who fell that kept trting to punch me in the belly. Lol she was 84.

Then BBQd at the station. So all in all its a good day. Now I have to go sit at home alone. Because my fiance is up north.
We ran 1 call in 12 hours. Boring as hell.

Now I'm sitting on my *** drinking a Sierra Nevada contemplating what I want to do tonight. Bed is the logical choice but that doesn't sound fun at all.
Hung out with the kids, working the back half tonight, nothing so far.
Just got home from my cousin's birthday party in Huntington Beach. Spent the day shooting nerf darts at all the kids.
New night, starting off better. I still hope we don't get any calls, I need a break.
Sierra Nevada Summerfest.

Not too shabby.
Back at work! Finally! I dont know what to do on my 4 days off. But here till 0730 and gonna get 7 hrs of holiday pay