Help with questions....


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So I have my retest scheduled on thursday. I was hoping you guys could help me out. I know some are really basic but its more for me to clear stuff up.

-So if you have or come a across a patient that becomes or is pulseless and apneic you always apply an AED first thing right?

-Also if you are off duty and you find a person with no pulse should you phone for EMS and then do CPR or do you do perform CPR for a minute and then phone for EMS?

-What is the best way to move a stretcher over uneven ground?

-You got a pregnate patient saying that her water broken and that she feels like the baby is comin. Is this when you would look for crowning? And is crowning the sign that the baby needs to be delivered on the spot?

Please don't respond unless you got input on the questions.
All of that material is located in your textbook. Anyone answering here would do you diservice by "giving" you the answer in lieu of you looking it up. Not to be rude, but maybe, if you hit the text and read more to clarrify those questions, then your score would demonstrate it also.

Good luck on your test.

R/r 911
The purpose of the test is to assess your knowledge base. If you truly need help on the questions you listed, you either dogged it through your EMT class or you had a piss-poor instructor.

I am currently teaching a group of 8th graders a CPR class and all of them could answer the AED question correctly.
So I have my retest scheduled on thursday. I was hoping you guys could help me out. I know some are really basic but its more for me to clear stuff up.

-So if you have or come a across a patient that becomes or is pulseless and apneic you always apply an AED first thing right?

-Also if you are off duty and you find a person with no pulse should you phone for EMS and then do CPR or do you do perform CPR for a minute and then phone for EMS?

-What is the best way to move a stretcher over uneven ground?

-You got a pregnate patient saying that her water broken and that she feels like the baby is comin. Is this when you would look for crowning? And is crowning the sign that the baby needs to be delivered on the spot?

Please don't respond unless you got input on the questions.

I want to apoligize for those first two response you got cause it sounds like they were having a bad day and arent trying to help anyone out, but instead make sure that everyone knows they are the smartest emt's alive. I know how confusing it is with those questions that list it seems like four correct answers and sometimes texts can be confusing.
If you didnt witness the collapse cspine if you can and 2 minutes of cpr before calling
Prego pt. Dont just cut her pants off ask her how far apart her contractions are and if she feels the need to push. If she says now ride it in If she says its coming now get your gown on your ob kit out and start acting like you went to med school while your partner hauls a$$ in the rig.

Stretcher moving is the exact same
Cpr Pt. always check abc's Maybe the person is just got something stuck in their throat and passed out always chekc your airway breathing then when you get to c apply the aed
Good luck with everything
I want to apoligize for those first two response you got cause it sounds like they were having a bad day and arent trying to help anyone out, but instead make sure that everyone knows they are the smartest emt's alive. I know how confusing it is with those questions that list it seems like four correct answers and sometimes texts can be confusing.
If you didnt witness the collapse cspine if you can and 2 minutes of cpr before calling
Prego pt. Dont just cut her pants off ask her how far apart her contractions are and if she feels the need to push. If she says now ride it in If she says its coming now get your gown on your ob kit out and start acting like you went to med school while your partner hauls a$$ in the rig.

Stretcher moving is the exact same
Cpr Pt. always check abc's Maybe the person is just got something stuck in their throat and passed out always chekc your airway breathing then when you get to c apply the aed
Good luck with everything

Please Do NOT APOLOGIZE FOR ME! If I wanted to do so I would. As well, you did not answer all the question and some of your answers are incorrect! So before answering for others and even yourself, make sure what you write is correct. Let's not give erroneous information.

As a professional educator (and test writer for the NREMT) I realize the most common reason for those that fail and those with repeated failures is due to lack of studying! Obviously, something the poster failed to do appropriately or they would had passed (since it does have a >68% pass rate) as well all of those questions are found in the curriculum material, that I suggest both of you might want to review and study!

Seriously, what type of answer is..."Prego pt. Dont just cut her pants off ask her how far apart her contractions are and if she feels the need to push. If she says now ride it in If she says its coming now get your gown on your ob kit out and start acting like you went to med school while your partner hauls a$$ in the rig."? Have you ever treated or examined a full term pregnancy patient? Did you forget to ask the most important questions such duration and intervals of pregnancy, or about previous births, high risk pregnancy, did the bag of waters break, then do you have the feeling of having a bowel movement? Play acting should never be part of one's method of treatment. Again, all of the material that is contained in the textbook, in which one should be turning to for studying instead of asking for short answers. Yes, it is good to ask if, after you have attempted to find the answer yourself.

Again, let's stick to factual and accurate answers.

R/r 911
The only reason I posted the questions was because even though I read the material im still confused on these particular questions. I wasn't trying to just have you guys just tell me the information I just wanted it to be confirmed of what I already know. These are questions that came about after I took the NREMT and read the material and was still unsure on what they were. The question regarding the patient saying that she is feeling the baby coming and that her water has broken was on the NREMT and I was split on look for crowning or prepare for delivery because in order to look for crowning you have to position for delivery so that was confusing. And the question regarding the AED stemmed from a question where you got a middle age man behind the steering wheel of a car and bystadners tell you that he slumped and drifted off the road and your unable to find a pulse. Would I hook him up to an AED right away or try to extricate him out the car to be able to perform CPR along with the AED?

So again this ain't me trying to just get you guys to just tell me the answer im just trying to just get stuffed cleared up so I can go into my test confidently tommorow.
The only reason I posted the questions was because even though I read the material im still confused on these particular questions. I wasn't trying to just have you guys just tell me the information I just wanted it to be confirmed of what I already know. These are questions that came about after I took the NREMT and read the material and was still unsure on what they were. The question regarding the patient saying that she is feeling the baby coming and that her water has broken was on the NREMT and I was split on look for crowning or prepare for delivery because in order to look for crowning you have to position for delivery so that was confusing. And the question regarding the AED stemmed from a question where you got a middle age man behind the steering wheel of a car and bystadners tell you that he slumped and drifted off the road and your unable to find a pulse. Would I hook him up to an AED right away or try to extricate him out the car to be able to perform CPR along with the AED?

So again this ain't me trying to just get you guys to just tell me the answer im just trying to just get stuffed cleared up so I can go into my test confidently tommorow.

The reason we 'jumped on you' is not because we had a bad day as has been suggested by the other poster, but because the questions you asked are actually very simple, and the answers are a natural progression of the skills you should have been taught.

Test taking is a skill. Being able to wade through the if's and the red herrings to distill the question down to the facts. Then you apply protocols to the facts and you have the correct answer. If you are unable to wade through these in the calm of a testing room, how are you going to be able to access the information on the side of a highway, with cars passing you @60mph, the rain running down the back of your neck and family members looking at you?

ABCs, a slumped pt... hmmmm what is that airway like? Are they breathing? How do you apply an AED to a pt 'slumped' in a car? Do you even have access to the pt's chest? Once the pads are applied are you going to be able to clear prior to shock? This is different from the question as initially presented which was.

So if you have or come a across a patient that becomes or is pulseless and apneic you always apply an AED first thing right?

As to the other questions... -
Also if you are off duty and you find a person with no pulse should you phone for EMS and then do CPR or do you do perform CPR for a minute and then phone for EMS

What were you taught regarding the process of starting CPR. Under what circumstances do you do CPR for a minute first and then call.. and under what circumstances do you call first.. this is covered in basic CPR training. As I said in my initial post, the 8th graders I am teaching could all answer this one correctly.

I'm sorry if this interferes with your ability to take your test with confidence. But based on your posts, confidence would be misplaced.
I would like to add that testing is one way of screening those that will be able to enter the field and profession of EMS.

The point being, test are designed purposefully to be somewhat confusing, misleading with several detractors and stem-key type questions. I would hope your school or training site had prepare you for such test. It is a common knowledge that the NREMT Basic examination is one of the easiest health care examinations for a certification level. It only reflects the minimum level accepted. As well each test question has one foolish absolutely wrong answer, one mediocre, and two that are very similar but one has to choose the most correct answer.

The NREMT can only judge the didactic and base knowledge of an applicant. The skills portion tests from your school will validate your knowledge of being able to able to minimally perform the needed skills.

Take out specific time to reflect and review through each objective listed in front of the chapter. These are the NHTSA EMT curriculum requirements that the NREMT is based upon.
Also, review the AHA Healthcare providers BLS book, which is the number one portion that is failed on the NREMT exam.

R/r 911
I'm from L.A.

The best way to move a stretcher over uneven ground is to pave it.
As for the exam, take it from them.
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So I've been lurking on this site for a long time. I like to read the posts and catch up on EMS related information even though I may not have much to share myself. But I have noticed a trend here that saddens me and makes me question why I come to this site. I feel like there are many people on this site who are condescending and belittling. The OP came here for help. If you don't feel like helping why respond to the post at all? It's not encouraging and comes off more than a little rude. Why wouldn't you want the OP to do their best? I'm sure they're not going to pass/fail the NREMT due to being helped with a few misunderstandings. I'm not sure I understand why the simplicity of the questions are reasoning for not answering them. Am I the only one who remembers what it was like being a fresh student and easily confused? I would have been grateful for sites such as these with seasoned profesionals to answer my questions. I especially don't understand how those of you in teaching capacities can come here and tell individuals "their confidence is misplaced," instead of assisting. If the OP wasn't taught/doesn't understand the necessary skills then that will be their downfall. But why not help with what we can and at least be encouraging? If I'm not confused the very title to this section of the forum is "NREMT: For all QUESTIONS related to the NREMT, testing, and practicals." Just thought I'd say something.

I for one appreciate the questions that are being asked. As a new Basic, I take the questions as a chance to re-learn, even though I passed already.

I say, ask away!!
The reason for being blunt (not rudeness) is for several reasons. Why come to a forum to ask how to answer questions on a board examination? Sorry folks, either you should know this or learn how to study. No one should hand spoon you information. This is part of the problem with EMS, EMS students, and those involved in educating in EMS. Many students and even EMT's want things done for them.

Did they actually go through all the text to see if they could find and locate the answers, or review multiple texts to look at comparison's? Again, the difference between being a medical professional and a first-aider.

Too many so called "students" go to forums in attempt to have questions immediately answered. Did they actually learn anything? Will they actually remember it? Did they actually study, did they read the required reading before asking?, As well, was the information accurately answered? Even in this post, erroneous and wrong answers were given. Now, do you want to trust your license/certification based upon that or... even performing patient care on that information? Too many students and candidates want things to be "spoon fed" to them. This is not only wrong but will have dangerous consequences.

Forums are designed to discuss topics, spark interest, yes even give new and current care but it is NEVER to replace reading and studying from accredited texts and literature. When discussion of treatment modalities, or even in-depth discussion occurs, it is again only a intellectual discussion to spark interest to study and read more, never to replace or given as a fact. You will see those of us (i.e Vent,. Flight LP, AK) as experienced licensed providers always be able to refer new topics, methods, and even standard care to approved curriculum, or scientific based literature, not off the hip information.

The old saying "there is never a stupid question" is really not correct. One should attempt to answer the question themselves before asking. If one cannot find the answer after investigating, reading, research then should ask.

Confidence is self motivated. No one on a forum, or even within a business is going to inspire this quality. Part of developing self confidence is by learning and obtaining information by gathering the information themselves. Hence the word.. self confidence. If obtaining answers such as read the objectives, of referring them to specific journals or texts discourages them, then these type of individuals will never fair well in the workforce of EMS and personally we do not need them. Medicine requires tenacity, and individual drive to perform at the best.

R/r 911
You know how many EMT's I see that took the test 5 times before they passed! This does not mean they know what they are doing or that they studied. This means they got Lucky and passed after 5 tries. I do not want someone like this treating my family or friends.

When you look up the answers yourself, you are more likely to learn and retain the information. This is what All on here want from a new EMT. If you can come here and prove that you have researched the subject, but are unable to find the answer. Then you will be more likely to get help for someone.

The questions that were asked, are very basic and simple ones. They are in the text book and should be looked up on their own.
Welcome to the world of EMS where everyone knows more than the other, I personally have never cared for anyone who when i asked a ? would not give me an answer, Now I was fortunate to have a fine Instructor who way overteaches his students and when I was doing my clinicals I rode with two services (1) was a bunch of know-it-alls that felt like they had been there done that so all your ? were dumb the service had no morale, the number (2) service is where i rode after my first day with other service ( Did I mention I DO NOT LIKE ARROGANT PEOPLE?) anyway this service was great, Morale was high, Pt. care topnotch, they also offered me a job before I ever finished school, Now I am not going to judge your ? as to wether they are simple or not because different people have different things they are better at, Also do not get discouraged, do your studying( I picked up on the part where you said you had came to your conclusion and just wanted reassurance) Although you need to know this stuff like the back of your hand more will come in the back of the truck,Secondly this may be a good place to get help but you would do better finding someone you can trust who will give you a straight up answer because on here you have no way to verify thier advice or thier credentials so take it forwhat it is, Just to say I'm not blaming anyone for the tests but in school I failed no tests and per several PMDS and Instructors he was hard, out of 13 students half passed first time some have not after 4, I passed first and there were some ? that were totally out there (to me), Hope you do well and let us know how you did, P.S. I never hold anyone to a credentails unti they have them, So as a student ask away!!!
Welcome to the world of EMS where everyone knows more than the other, I personally have never cared for anyone who when i asked a ? would not give me an answer, Now I was fortunate to have a fine Instructor who way overteaches his students and when I was doing my clinicals I rode with two services (1) was a bunch of know-it-alls that felt like they had been there done that so all your ? were dumb the service had no morale, the number (2) service is where i rode after my first day with other service ( Did I mention I DO NOT LIKE ARROGANT PEOPLE?) anyway this service was great, Morale was high, Pt. care topnotch, they also offered me a job before I ever finished school, Now I am not going to judge your ? as to wether they are simple or not because different people have different things they are better at, Also do not get discouraged, do your studying( I picked up on the part where you said you had came to your conclusion and just wanted reassurance) Although you need to know this stuff like the back of your hand more will come in the back of the truck,Secondly this may be a good place to get help but you would do better finding someone you can trust who will give you a straight up answer because on here you have no way to verify thier advice or thier credentials so take it forwhat it is, Just to say I'm not blaming anyone for the tests but in school I failed no tests and per several PMDS and Instructors he was hard, out of 13 students half passed first time some have not after 4, I passed first and there were some ? that were totally out there (to me), Hope you do well and let us know how you did, P.S. I never hold anyone to a credentails unti they have them, So as a student ask away!!!

First, welcome to the site but WOW! I am sure that had a lot to say; but it was so hard to decipher, I became as confused as some of the NREMT test questions. Are you really sure it made the point you wanted it too? ...
I'm new to the site as well, and retook my 2nd NREMT last week. I passed. I would have to agree with the poster that says the information is in our book. Although I would gladly answer questions, I would higly encourage the applicant to very carefully go through his materials.

I didn't pass the first time. That week was a very stressful work at work (I work as a lifeguard) and was pulling 12 hour shifts (the norm shift is about 6-8 hours) at the last minute. I worked every day for 10 days. I DID NOT study like I wanted to. Went in, took the test in 30 minutes (very bad). Walking out of the test center I knew it was bad. I knew I did not pass because 1) I didn't study like I wanted to. 2) I didn't bother slowing my brain down to read the questions correctly.

I waited the 15 days to reapply. I re-applied. And then I went and found this book by "Learning Express." There were 3 multiple choice practices tests and a 4th "test" which was more open book where you had to write out the correct answet. I took the appropriate time off work. I was taking the practices tests. Going over the questions I missed. And after the multiple choice was done, and the "write in" part was next, I realized how much I couldn't figure out without looking at blatent wrong answers... I felt terrible! So I cracked open my book, and writing the words, instead of filling in a bubble helped me MORE to understand the concept, instead of just picking it out of a list.

So, as for questions, sure, ask, someone will answer. But always go back and review it in your book. There are also "practice" tests out there that will tell the right answer and why the answer is correct. Learn your stuff, don't just try to get lucky. for moving the stretcher on uneven ground (such as grass, gravel, etc), I have always added a little 'lift' with my partner to it. Kinda like holding it up while keeping majority of the weight on the ground. basically like adding suspension. that and our stretcher has the nice rugged wheels (made for snow I believe)!
Welcome to the world of EMS where everyone knows more than the other, I personally have never cared for anyone who when i asked a ? would not give me an answer, Now I was fortunate to have a fine Instructor who way overteaches his students

I'll bet with a first rate instructor, your questions were not the type asked by the OP. I love a student who asks questions in class. I encourage all new EMT students to ask questions often in class. But did you read the questions asked by the OP? The way the questions were phrased, by someone who has failed the initial exam, implies someone who doesn't get it and isn't likely to in the near future.

Now I am not going to judge your ? as to wether they are simple or not because different people have different things they are better at, Also do not get discouraged, do your studying( I picked up on the part where you said you had came to your conclusion and just wanted reassurance) Although you need to know this stuff like the back of your hand more will come in the back of the truck,

So, do you want this person treating your loved one until that OTJ training kicks in, or would you assume that basic CPR would be mastered if not prior to entering EMT class, at the very least by the end of the class?

Secondly this may be a good place to get help but you would do better finding someone you can trust who will give you a straight up answer because on here you have no way to verify thier advice or thier credentials so take it forwhat it is,

Hmm like maybe this should have been asked, answered and understood before taking the test?

I am an instructor, and I've seen my share of students come and go. I've seen a wide variety of skill levels in EMS. I will always support anyone who is trying to learn. I will always jump on someone who is trying to shortcut the system because they just want the credential so they can start working. What we do matters, or at least it should.