I know a guy who knows a guy.
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Why are you adamant that an individual can not have a chief complaint for an inter facility call? Not every complaint needs to go to an ER for resolution.
By providing the IFT, you are providing exactly what the person needs to resolve their CC.
I think you're misunderstanding my reasoning. Of course a PT may have a chief complaint on an IFT. A SNF to a Drs appointment? Sure. A bed confined patient to wound care? Sure.
I'm talking about the three time per week dialysis patient that is taken via BLS ambulance to the renal center. Those calls are the bread and butter of BLS IFT and if they are not documented with a true medical necessity, Medicare will NOT pay for the trip and may actually audit the service, passed billing and documentation included. I don't understand why this is such a difficult concept for you to grasp. As an IFT EMT writing a PCR, it's important that the actual MEDICAL reason the patient requires a BLS ambulance be documented, not a chief complaint. Its really up to you and your service. You can write weakness or "patient can't tolerate a wheelchair" or whatever you want, but ask the billing department what the reimbursement rate is on Medicare billing and them ask how many are bumped due to improper documentation or lack of medical necessity.
Then hire an EMS consultant to teach a class to the line staff on reimbursable PCRs and see if that changes. If you've been through a workshop like this, the way you document routine BLS IFT calls will change. For the better.