Have you had the Flu Vaccine/Mist

FLu vaccines

  • Optional; yes I am going to get both

    Votes: 10 38.5%
  • Optional: I am going to get one

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Mandantory: one type

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Mandantory: both types

    Votes: 5 19.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


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Just wondering who has had the flu vaccine?mist?

is it mandantory for your area/company/dept?

got mine (FLu A&B mist) last week; was diagnosed with the flu (Flu Type B) over the weekend. now feel like crap. comes and goes.
I've never had a flu vaccine. The last time I had the flu was when I was 20 and that was way back in 1987.
The seasonal flu vaccine was provided at no charge by my employer... and was optional. The H1N1 vaccine wasn't quite available yet... I might get that one too.
Nope. My mother was looking at the mall bYS ears, and there were Flu Vaccines avaalible. Mym mom looked at me, and went " Hey, want to get your flu Vaccine." I just shaked my head, and kept walking. Lol. Probably won't get the H1N1 Vaccine either.
got mine (FLu A&B mist) last week; was diagnosed with the flu (Flu Type B) over the weekend. now feel like crap. comes and goes.

The Flu-mist is a live vaccine. Not surprising.

I just shaked my head, and kept walking. Lol. Probably won't get the H1N1 Vaccine either.

Not getting the vaccine is stupid in my personal opinion. Even if the nastiest strain isn't specifically included in the seasonal cocktail, if contracted the symptoms stand a chance of being significantly lessened. Getting a Flu Shot does not, and has not for quite a number of years, "give" you the Flu. If you happen to get sick after you get vaccinated, it is coincidence plain and simple and would have anyway.

Still not completely sold on the overall safety of the H1N1 vaccine, but will more than likely take it if we get it over here in the Giant Litterbox.
I'm not gettin' it, I don't have to. My immune system is very good, I haven't had the flu in ages.
Don't have it, don't want it. Last time someone I knew got the flu vaccine, they had a bad reaction.
where is the box for not getting it? i think people heal just fine on their own
Required by the hospitals we do rotations at to have the type A vaccine. If we don't get it we can't do clinicals, and without clinicals you can't pass class, so you get expelled.

We're supposed to get the H1N1 as soon as available to us.
I've been told H1N1 is going to be required by my service but I've only heard that as a rumor and no one has mentioned it or I haven't seen a memo. I'm not getting either vaccine, but if it comes down to a vaccine or a job I can't afford to lose my job =/ My state is at will so they can fire me for not doing what they say.
One place I work says both are mandatory, but they're willing to be flexible if someone can provide a good reason not to get it. I'm free to wait for the injections because nasal sprays typically give me some pretty serious nosebleeds.

I've had the seasonal flu shot, and I'm waiting for the H1N1 injection. I'm not in much of a hurry for the latter, since I think I already had the actual illness.

For what it's worth, I've never had an adverse reaction to any injectable vaccine. I just get it and go about life as normal.
Not employed yet. I would probably skip the flu vaccine but get the H1N1.
missed poll question

Yes I missed a poll question about not getting it at all; sorry; never do polls when you are sick.

I know what they say: you can't get the flu from the vaccines; but prior to this year I have had the flu shots 5 times in 21 years. I have had the flu 5 times in 21 years: every time 30-60 days after the flu. weird coincidence.
this year I got sick 96 hours after getting the flu mist (which is a live vaccine); last year they gave us the option of opting out of the vaccine. this year they made it mandantory.

do NOT look forward to getting the H1N1 vaccine next month.
The regular shot is "required" by my school and was administered by some of the older students from the various programs while being overseen by faculty.
I received the flu vaccine via injection on Tuesday and didn't get the usual cruddy feeling this time. Because I'm over 50 and get it at a military facility (retired USAF...) I'm not eligible for the mist per their protocols. I'm still not sure if I'm going to get the H1N1; that was an awfully short trial period and I don't know for sure if I want to be a research subject ^_^.
I had my regular flu vaccine. And i probably will get the H1N1 in the coming weeks.
My company gives out free regular flu shots so I'm getting mine on Wednesday. Not sure about the H1N1. I feel like they just rushed it out so I'll probably pass for now until there's more information.
Did you know as a health care provider it is NOT recommended that you get the nasal mist flu vaccine?

If you have direct patient care contact, you should always get the injection.

This is due to the fact that the spray is a live virus, therefore you are contagious for up to 21 days due to nasal shedding.
I can not take the flu vaccine d/t an allergy. I will not take the H1N1 vaccine I dont feel comfortable with that one I personally dont feel that enough research has been done on it, besides I am way past the age they want to have it.:ph34r:
I have never gotten a Flu shot... I will never until they force me... On that note: How can someone force you to put something in your body that you want nor choose to take. I don't understand how a flu shot needs to be mandatory. another note: H1N1 flu shot has been around for awhile... There was an outbreak of swine flue in 1976... Do you think that they could produce a vaccine in months?