Just finished my interview. Overall I think it went well, hoping to get the call back for the follow up!
I wore business casual, dress slacks with a long sleeve button up dress shirt, but no tie, and was specifically told to wear one next time (I'm thinking I'll prob wear the suit jacket as well).
Interview seemed normal, fairly standard stuff, nothing off the wall or curveballs lol
I feel like like I flubbed the fire question -_- I always get fairly nervous in interviews, w/ the cotton mouth/tongue tied feeling. Since I said I became interested in being a first responder and getting into EMS after I got out of the Army, they asked if I was also interested in law enforcement or fire. Instead of just saying "no" like y'all told me too, I found myself saying "no, not really, only as a backup". They asked for clarification so I emphasized those were only like Plan "C" if I couldn't get a primary responder EMS job and that I was far more interested in becoming a Paramedic than going fire. I made it a point to point out later on that I was impressed at how much pride they all take in the organization, and that I'd rather work there and be able to be an EMS provider than be a "gurney jockey for fire back in LA" (yes that was the phrase I used lol) so hopefully I didn't sink myself there.
Crossing my fingers and knocking on wood to get that follow up interview!
Awesome to hear man! If one thing they are very strict on is appearance! I had HR tell one of the guys I was hired with that his shirt (Although already tailer/tapered) needed to be even more fitted. I'm sure you noticed how clean all the boxes are and the crews they have washing/waxing ambulances ALL day. Did you get to talk to anyone or walk around the lot? See the boxes up close
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