Gun Porn

pshtttt, you guys are so silly, all your truck guns and what not. Meanwhile i'm over here i'll be plinking from 300 yds with a .45 acp... or at least thats how it works in my head. It'll feel like im hitting the bad guy with rocks.
I am having a tactical gear mid-life crisis. Can’t decided what color combo to go with. I have a mixture of multicam and tan but really digging black multicam. Decisions decisions. What color to get my plate carrier in....
I'd green
AR500 has package deals from the $450-$109 range. Thats the plate carrier with LVL III plates.
AR500 has package deals from the $450-$109 range. Thats the plate carrier with LVL III plates.

CATI ARMOR all day. Best deal, way better plates and carrier than AR500.

I have a carrier and plates from them, but also run a Haley Strategic DC3 rig which is my favorite non armor rig.
CATI ARMOR all day. Best deal, way better plates and carrier than AR500.

I have a carrier and plates from them, but also run a Haley Strategic DC3 rig which is my favorite non armor rig.
+1 on this. I have CATI level III+ plates in a Condor (CPC) Covert Plate Carrier. Good for working out and hiking....and when Antifa strikes on Nov. 4th LOLLLLL
Good for working out and hiking....and when Antifa strikes on Nov. 4th LOLLLLL

You won't need a plate carrier if those *** clowns decide to strike. You just need a PA and the national anthem on replay.
I have a carrier and plates from them, but also run a Haley Strategic DC3 rig which is my favorite non armor rig.

I think I’m going to go with a Crye JPC or Mayflower APC with the D3C rig and flat pack.

Also happens to be a black multicam sale going on this weekend at Haley strategic. Pretty great prices.
The core of the collection. A Western Field M550A 12 gauge with 28" of C-lect-choke steel, a 1911 in American .45ACP for America, a sleek little carry piece and my knockaround guns- a 22LR carbine and revolver. That pretty much fills every niche except for "pitched urban combat" and doesn't include the other 22, my old Russian carbine or a few others.


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I am having a tactical gear mid-life crisis. Can’t decided what color combo to go with. I have a mixture of multicam and tan but really digging black multicam. Decisions decisions. What color to get my plate carrier in....
Ranger Green or Grey go best in my area. Suburban Rural woods interface. But it depends on what the foliage is like in your area
Acu for and available.