Generational Gaps

Is there a name for that generation that I've missed other than baby boomers? I think it was sociologists that came up with that name, not millennials in general.

Baby boomers, or the baby boomer generation, was what we refer to them as. Boomers just comes across as smug and condescending..
Well for those of you boomers who started working when you were babies, how did you get along with the generations before you? Did you feel respected or was there a lot of talk about "kids these days"?

When I was growing up in the '50s, there was zero concern among us boomers about being respected by our parents. We would have settled for a little more TV time and between-meal snacking. Respect generally went in one direction: from the younger to the older. I didn't think of my father, a WWII vet, as a member of "the greatest generation"; I just thought of him as my father, which was reason enough to respect him.

Yes, parents in the '50s complained about "kids these days" as much as ever. I think I was mildly put off by that, but there was little disagreement (until the late '60s) that the older knew better than the younger.
Baby boomers, or the baby boomer generation, was what we refer to them as. Boomers just comes across as smug and condescending..
I shall respect your sensitivity
Well for those of you boomers who started working when you were babies, how did you get along with the generations before you? Did you feel respected or was there a lot of talk about "kids these days"?

Mid 70s here. We were encouraged to earn our pocket money, rather than expect the parents to give it to us. Looking for pick up jobs was also our responsibility. Respecting people older than us was an axiom, and being arrogant or smug usually ended up with our arses kicked. And the main difference between “now” and “then” is that we did not demand respect from older generation just because we felt so; we were taught that respect is always earned, never given.
Q nailed it: WORK. Earn respect. It’s not a given just because you got a trophy for losing a soccer game. Life doesn’t tolerate losers. Relying on mommy and daddy and the G to fund your lifestyle is just another example of an inability to be a productive member of society. So is relying on a piece of electronics to validate your life.

If WWII happened today, the US would lose...because the generations who would have to protect us aren’t interested in it nor able to function, except for a dwindling few here and there. They have no sense of Duty, Honor, or Country.

Today’s supposed enlightened youth are mostly a pathetic bunch of self centered entitled whiners, who can’t fight there way out of a wet paper bag. They have no clue about the world, politics, or life. They take all their directions from the same group they are in just because they shout louder or post inane memes on the Internet. They think they are astute, but they are just ignorant.

Ask them to validate a point and they turn red, throw a tantrum, then accuse people of being biased against one of the thousands of made up gender/ethic/lifestyle choices. They can’t even figure out if they are male or female. Hint: check the plumbing, it’s a start.

More than 3/4s of them don’t know history, nor think its relevant. They want to have a degree but get upset when they are told they have to memorize and learn things, then produce arguments to support them. They feel that they can get through life by GTS because it’s just as good as knowing it.

They can’t even change a flat tire. Smart cars aren’t smart, they are designed because today’s users can’t drive, they need others to do things for them.

If C19 hits, they will die off, not because of the disease, but because the machines that allow them to text/tweet/etc don’t function. And since that is life to them, they will not survive because nature abhors a vacuum.
Mid 70s here. We were encouraged to earn our pocket money, rather than expect the parents to give it to us. Looking for pick up jobs was also our responsibility. Respecting people older than us was an axiom, and being arrogant or smug usually ended up with our arses kicked. And the main difference between “now” and “then” is that we did not demand respect from older generation just because we felt so; we were taught that respect is always earned, never given.

Yes and when it became seemingly impossible to actually gain said respect or validation, regardless of what my generation has gone through or tried, we gave up.

It became an impossible task. Trying to get it was useless and disheartening.

Many of our struggles and issues, complaints have been brushed off by the older folks.

Because what, we don't have to worry about polio so we have it easy? That we don't walk uphill in the snow both ways?

The mindset and general attitude of my generation is different. I previously mentioned mental health. There's lots of memes about going to get help and there's no shame. Trying to build our confidence and normalizing going to therapist and whatnot.

Each generation will have its struggles and things that are "given" to them. And it's not wrong that I don't have to use encyclopedias to do research and it doesn't make me lazy. Last I checked you weren't riding a horse to warn the English countryside of a viking invasion, either.

A common theme and point of dissention is that we're crazy and wild and ignore authority. Or were too relaxed and casual.

I read something about how a young person held a door for an old person and the old person said "Thank you"

The young person says "No problem"

Which triggered the old person because the "correct" response was "you're welcome"

It wasn't dismissive to say no problem, it was just that we saw it less of needing praise and that it's just a nice thing to do. Like "It wasn't difficult, no need for thanks".

I myself use bro, dude, and man when referring to people in casual conversation. Doesn't matter if they're a literal dude or not. If the stretcher released doesn't want to work because it's janked up, I might say ">:( dude!" At it.

We also anthropomorphize many things. Usually for comedic value.

We probably do get a little crazy, but back in my dad's day they did way worse stuff than I did and cops weren't called. Nowadays cops come out for everything and people go to jail over things that would have been laughed at.

But one of the big things is that older gens see us as brats, children, lazy, etc. And they see us as insubordinate or contentious. If I had to guess, it seems like they think we go out of our way to cause trouble.

And as long as they treat us like such, there's going to be strife.

Maybe a "Come here and sit down. I heard what happened (altercation or whatever) and I want to hear your side" is important. Even if you were there and think you saw it all and heard it all. And I'm not saying that makes them right or even their reason is right.

Treat us like people and less like wild animals and you might get somewhere.
What, exactly, has “your generation” gone through that is any different from earlier generations?
Someone's being smug and condescending in this thread and it's not me...
What, exactly, has “your generation” gone through that is any different from earlier generations?

When you were around 8 years old, what did you do for entertainment?

Video games, either handhelds or the dawn of pc/ console gaming was the start. And if you can't understand that a lot of us have good memories from those days that are nostalgic and we continue to play them for entertainment, you've missed it.

Apparently we've raised the price of avocados because we like them so much.

"These bois are straight fire"

Mass communication in the palm of our hands. Back in my dad's day he had a giant car phone and THAT was unusual. He paid 2K for it. In that days money.

It's that moment in the truck where everything is clean, we don't have calls holding, paperwork is caught up etc that I can have a moment to browse some memes and check in with the squad.

And that's wrong because? We don't do watercooler talk like y'all used to.

There's so much feeling of being invalidated by older people that no matter how hard we try or what we do, it won't be enough. So you know what? Might as well do what I want because burn me once...

We realized (we got woke) that happiness doesn't come from grinding a 9-5. So when we go to work, it's merely a tool. We just each that bread so we can use it on what we want. You may ask, how is that different. But it is. It's almost a dislike of work. It becomes something to slog through if we aren't happy in the field. So more and more we become unhappy in a typical job field due to the realization of how gray something is that we don't like. So we'd rather look for something we love so work isn't work. But more and more it's become this way. And it's actively encouraged to shed societal expectations (of raising a family, having certain jobs, etc), because we won't ever meet them anyway.

Someone's being smug and condescending in this thread and it's not me...

I don't know if you mean me or not. Not trying to start anything. 😅

Edit: not done. Trying to keep up with replies
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@FiremanMike I'm just teasing you
@CCCSD you're being a straight up bigot

big·ot | \ ˈbi-gət \
Definition of bigot

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
And the main difference between “now” and “then” is that we did not demand respect from older generation just because we felt so; we were taught that respect is always earned, never given.

The way I learned it is that you treat everyone with respect without being deferential.
The way I learned it is that you treat everyone with respect without being deferential.

Our generation is upset because we can't even have human dignity without having "earned" it. So we'll just wait all the boomers out. The older gen can't win a war of attrition.
Maybe we're going off different definitions of respect.
Respect absolutely is and always should be the default can lose it through actions or words and then possibly regain it, however it should always be granted without exception until proven otherwise.

I have never subscribed to the "earn it" BS mantra...that is a dated, flawed, and dangerous mentality to possess.
I think it's important also to remember that you never know someone's whole story. You might want to look down on someone who struggles with drug addiction, but would you look at them differently if you knew they were a survivor of terrible childhood abuse, as so many addicts are?
I think it's important also to remember that you never know someone's whole story. You might want to look down on someone who struggles with drug addiction, but would you look at them differently if you knew they were a survivor of terrible childhood abuse, as so many addicts are?

They don't see your struggles so they must not exist. Because you've survived whatever it is, individually, culturally, generationally and still manage a semblance of a life so your problems and issues you do have must come from you.

They don't care what you do, how hard you try, the progress you've made. "Because when I was your age"
Yes and when it became seemingly impossible to actually gain said respect or validation, regardless of what my generation has gone through or tried, we gave up.

It became an impossible task. Trying to get it was useless and disheartening.

Many of our struggles and issues, complaints have been brushed off by the older folks.

Because what, we don't have to worry about polio so we have it easy? That we don't walk uphill in the snow both ways?

The mindset and general attitude of my generation is different. I previously mentioned mental health. There's lots of memes about going to get help and there's no shame. Trying to build our confidence and normalizing going to therapist and whatnot.

Each generation will have its struggles and things that are "given" to them. And it's not wrong that I don't have to use encyclopedias to do research and it doesn't make me lazy. Last I checked you weren't riding a horse to warn the English countryside of a viking invasion, either.

A common theme and point of dissention is that we're crazy and wild and ignore authority. Or were too relaxed and casual.

I read something about how a young person held a door for an old person and the old person said "Thank you"

The young person says "No problem"

Which triggered the old person because the "correct" response was "you're welcome"

It wasn't dismissive to say no problem, it was just that we saw it less of needing praise and that it's just a nice thing to do. Like "It wasn't difficult, no need for thanks".

I myself use bro, dude, and man when referring to people in casual conversation. Doesn't matter if they're a literal dude or not. If the stretcher released doesn't want to work because it's janked up, I might say ">:( dude!" At it.

We also anthropomorphize many things. Usually for comedic value.

We probably do get a little crazy, but back in my dad's day they did way worse stuff than I did and cops weren't called. Nowadays cops come out for everything and people go to jail over things that would have been laughed at.

But one of the big things is that older gens see us as brats, children, lazy, etc. And they see us as insubordinate or contentious. If I had to guess, it seems like they think we go out of our way to cause trouble.

And as long as they treat us like such, there's going to be strife.

Maybe a "Come here and sit down. I heard what happened (altercation or whatever) and I want to hear your side" is important. Even if you were there and think you saw it all and heard it all. And I'm not saying that makes them right or even their reason is right.

Treat us like people and less like wild animals and you might get somewhere.

I too, would like to know what is it exactly that the millennials have gone through. Except for the Afghan/Iraq vets, who are obviously not posting here.

You’re talking about struggles and complaints. You’re saying it’s been brushed off; I say “suck it up, princess”. You think your generation is unique, same as every other generation before you. Sorry to break it to you, but there’s no such thing. The only “uniqueness” is the way each generation goes about it.

What your generation is doing now (and what we’ve never done) is called throwing a temper tantrum on an unprecedented scale, and hoping to get away with it. The people who enabled your generation, are not a part of it. They’re much older and smarter, and a part of a political establishment with their own agenda. They did not just create a generational gap; they opened a bottomless chasm between you and those that came before you.

Now you’re within your right to ask what the hell am I talking about, because clearly we’re not getting through to you. Allow me to explain: this is a means of control on a mass scale.

See, we’re on the opposite ends of the spectrum here. Whilst I’m talking about responsibilities, you’re bringing up mental health; I mention values and you post a dissertation on internet slang.

What you fail to comprehend is that I and other “old farts” here are not trying to teach you how to live your life. All we’re trying to do is to show you the roots of everyone’s frustration. It’s not that we know better - we just see a much bigger, intricate picture because we have this thing called “life experience”.

You too, will get there one day. But until then - stop being a goddamn brat.
They don't see your struggles so they must not exist. Because you've survived whatever it is, individually, culturally, generationally and still manage a semblance of a life so your problems and issues you do have must come from you.

They don't care what you do, how hard you try, the progress you've made. "Because when I was your age"

In the context of this thread, it sounds like you're generalizing certain attitudes as being held by entire generations, which I don't think is accurate.