Yes and when it became seemingly impossible to actually gain said respect or validation, regardless of what my generation has gone through or tried, we gave up.
It became an impossible task. Trying to get it was useless and disheartening.
Many of our struggles and issues, complaints have been brushed off by the older folks.
Because what, we don't have to worry about polio so we have it easy? That we don't walk uphill in the snow both ways?
The mindset and general attitude of my generation is different. I previously mentioned mental health. There's lots of memes about going to get help and there's no shame. Trying to build our confidence and normalizing going to therapist and whatnot.
Each generation will have its struggles and things that are "given" to them. And it's not wrong that I don't have to use encyclopedias to do research and it doesn't make me lazy. Last I checked you weren't riding a horse to warn the English countryside of a viking invasion, either.
A common theme and point of dissention is that we're crazy and wild and ignore authority. Or were too relaxed and casual.
I read something about how a young person held a door for an old person and the old person said "Thank you"
The young person says "No problem"
Which triggered the old person because the "correct" response was "you're welcome"
It wasn't dismissive to say no problem, it was just that we saw it less of needing praise and that it's just a nice thing to do. Like "It wasn't difficult, no need for thanks".
I myself use bro, dude, and man when referring to people in casual conversation. Doesn't matter if they're a literal dude or not. If the stretcher released doesn't want to work because it's janked up, I might say "

dude!" At it.
We also anthropomorphize many things. Usually for comedic value.
We probably do get a little crazy, but back in my dad's day they did way worse stuff than I did and cops weren't called. Nowadays cops come out for everything and people go to jail over things that would have been laughed at.
But one of the big things is that older gens see us as brats, children, lazy, etc. And they see us as insubordinate or contentious. If I had to guess, it seems like they think we go out of our way to cause trouble.
And as long as they treat us like such, there's going to be strife.
Maybe a "Come here and sit down. I heard what happened (altercation or whatever) and I want to hear your side" is important. Even if you were there and think you saw it all and heard it all. And I'm not saying that makes them right or even their reason is right.
Treat us like people and less like wild animals and you might get somewhere.