Gas prices

Originally posted by GVRS672@Sep 1 2005, 12:30 PM
being I'm volly
my truck is parked... dodge 1500 4x4

got one of the responce cars.... . stay at home.. and when theres a call i'll use that the county takes care of the fuel

just filled one of the ambulances 53gal.. of disel..... glad thats not on my card
Yeah... last weekend, we carpooled to Water Rescue training in a rig, so we saved gas.

As for the cost.... my one work has a $100 limit on gas cards... you have to stop it before $100, because you have to pay anything over $100 our of your wallet and get reimbursed... We've seen this in the last month when trucks have been "low" We will probably have to start filling trucks up 2x a day :angry:

They're running shortages here in South Carolina. Some places have set a $20 limit because there just isn't enough to go around. Several Gas stations closed today because there is no more gas. Some stayed opened but only had Premium left to sell. We haven't seen a Diesel Shortage yet but other offices in my company have. Its getting tight down here. Prolly gonna start spending the night at the station when I have to work 3 days in a row.
In Jackson, MS people here are waiting in line for hours and hours just hoping that a station will open so that they might be able to get some gas, but Police Fire and Ambulances can get it at a few stations that are closed to the public. Gonna get worse before it gets better is my bet.

My hubby told me today that he actually watched the little old man go out twice in an hour to jack up the prices. First it was up only by 3 cents and then he came out 45 minutes later and raised it 40 cents. Wonder what drove it up that high in 45 minutes??? hmmmmm <_<
We are averaging about 3.00 a gallon here. I have a Dodge Ram and it certainly stings when the tank is almost empty!! :blink:
Paid $2.55 this morning. I am just waiting for the jump!! Its been $2.55 for a month here.
It's over 3 dollars this morning, and no one has any gas at thier stations. :(
I wonder how much of the increase is due to Katrina, and how much is due to the traditional price increases we always see around Labor Day.

BTW, regular is $2.89 here, and diesel is $3.09
I paid $3.25 to fill up yesterday. The lowest I saw it was $3.19. :(
Prices at 3.00 here now and gas stations are rationing gas. Fire PD EMS get 1st dibs in the AM when they open. They usually fill up all the rigs at this point.

We ran completely out yesterday at one station.

Saw this on another site.

Originally posted by ffemt8978@Sep 2 2005, 02:18 PM
Saw this on another site.

ROFL :lol: :lol:

I'd laugh harder if it wasn't so true. We couldn't get gas last night because no one had any. Finally had it today, lowest price was 2.99 for the lowest octane at Hess. Highest was 3.19 at 711 for the same stuff. It cost me 30 dollars to get half a tank, we don't even have a gas guzzler (a V6 Dodge Intrepid)

I heard on the radio that gas in Atlanta is up to 5-6 bucks a gall and that before it's over it'll be around 5 all over.

Chimpie, I retract my statement about scooters in that other post. I may go scooter-price hunting before the year is out.
Originally posted by Wingnut@Sep 2 2005, 04:15 PM
Chimpie, I retract my statement about scooters in that other post. I may go scooter-price hunting before the year is out.
Chimpie knows all.
Originally posted by Chimpie+Sep 2 2005, 03:24 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Chimpie @ Sep 2 2005, 03:24 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Wingnut@Sep 2 2005, 04:15 PM
Chimpie, I retract my statement about scooters in that other post. I may go scooter-price hunting before the year is out.
Chimpie knows all. [/b][/quote]
<_< :P
Originally posted by ffemt8978@Sep 2 2005, 03:18 PM
Saw this on another site.

My dad got this... I was going to go looking for it sometime soon to post :D

$3.89 unleaded seems to be the norm - I found it for $3.39 by my new house last night so I filled up my dad's car for him (he's away on vacation) and it cost me $65 to fill the tank!

I'm hoping I can find it around $3.40 today because my tank is empty too!
PS - a lot of stations don't even have any gas!!! I guess the hassle wasn't worth it.