Dave Wheeler, out at AMR-Alamogordo, is everything that an operations manager should be. He ran calls with us, he supported us, he went out of pocket to buy cleaning supplies when we ran short, he came in at 0300 to help us put up a reserve truck. The man is still what I judge leaders by, in any field, and he left a big impact on me. I'd follow him anywhere. I just wish AMR would let him pay his people more.
Sonny Geary @ EMSA on the other hand is exactly what EMS leadership should never be. I remember coming into work and finding my assigned ambulance filthy, bloody and generally unfit. There were no cleaning supplies or blankets and we were short on a bunch of other things (they were "working on the budget") (PS Oklahoma is cold in the winter). Sonny was at the garage getting ready to go out for some special event and I saw him, told him we were out of supplies in the hopes he'd do something about it (supervisors weren't worth spit). His response? "That's not my problem." No, dude, it is literally by definition your problem.
Long story short, AMR (and Acadian, and a lot of other places) make bad choices in leadership all the time by forgetting that we work with people.