Forum Names

I know EXACTLY how that goes....

Campus EMS - preventing alcohol induced natural selection since 1992

here here to that! in my case since 1998!
here here to that! in my case since 1998!

Ok, I'll admit I'm a college student and as such, am prone to drinking. But seriously, what the HELL are these people thinking when they literally drink themselves into oblivion, and on an empty stomach no less, so that they can look "thin" at the party!

Just my rant for the day....
My name is something that I came up with in high school and have modified slightly through the years. In high school I always had a hard time getting up in the morning for school. Even went so far as my mother having to dump glasses of water on me to get me out of bed a couple of times. :blink: As such I gave myself the internet name of "Sleepy Eyes" which was shortened to sleepyii and then finally to just slepyii.

The signature is something that I came up with recently on the way to work one night. As you can probably tell I wasn't in the cheeriest of moods at the time.
Farva is my nickname.
I am an EMT. I also used it to not be confused with Rod Farva from Super Troopers.
Farva is my nickname.
I am an EMT. I also used it to not be confused with Rod Farva from Super Troopers.

How about "Radio" also? Are there any Rams here for our favorite team- RamRod?!
Mine is what I ride, actually it is a 2001 FLHTCI
War Dance, AKA Wesley, was the name of a horse I used to show until almost a year ago when he died unexpectidely of colic. He was probably the coolest horse ever and he won alot together. Plus I guess it's a good way to remember my buddy!
War Dance, AKA Wesley, was the name of a horse I used to show until almost a year ago when he died unexpectidely of colic. He was probably the coolest horse ever and he won alot together. Plus I guess it's a good way to remember my buddy!

Sorry to hear that. If you have horses still get a goat or two in the pastuer with them. Surprisingly helps prevent colic. I think its because of eating the bad stuff but not sure.
Sorry to hear that. If you have horses still get a goat or two in the pastuer with them. Surprisingly helps prevent colic. I think its because of eating the bad stuff but not sure.

Actually it was show season so he was in the stall at the time. He only went out in the pasture during winter. It could have been several different things that caused the colic. He could have had a tumor or ulcer that we didn't know about or hay could have gotten compacted in his small intestine.

I was actually there when he died. I showed up to work him and the vet was there. I had never seen a human or animal die so in retrospect it was pretty interesting. The worse he got the more he refused to stand in the stall. He actually ended up pacing around the farm on the end of a lead rope. He went from being a really laid back horse to extremely aggressive. He actually reared up and flipped over. The vet put him down at that point since he couldn't get up. But looking back at the situation, everything I saw makes so much sense for a prey animal to do when in distress.
Sounds like an Appaloosa name? Yeah, colic in equids is like acute abd in people - soooo many things it could be. My QH mare had an unfortunate habit of chewing on her pasture-mates' tails, and got completely impacted with hair in her gut. Fortunately the vet gave her horse drain-o or something and she passed it.

I've always gone by Kookaburra (or kookaburra1701, 'cause I'm a Star Trek fan) on the 'net. It's something my mom friends have called me since I was a little kid, because I'm always laughing and in a good mood. It was also my favorite song that she would sing me.

I recently found out that several of my online friends thought that I was Austrailian because of my username and because I work nights so I post when the Land Down Under is awake, LOL. I am so not cool enough to be Austrailian.
Sounds like an Appaloosa name? Yeah, colic in equids is like acute abd in people - soooo many things it could be. My QH mare had an unfortunate habit of chewing on her pasture-mates' tails, and got completely impacted with hair in her gut. Fortunately the vet gave her horse drain-o or something and she passed it.

I've always gone by Kookaburra (or kookaburra1701, 'cause I'm a Star Trek fan) on the 'net. It's something my mom friends have called me since I was a little kid, because I'm always laughing and in a good mood. It was also my favorite song that she would sing me.

I recently found out that several of my online friends thought that I was Austrailian because of my username and because I work nights so I post when the Land Down Under is awake, LOL. I am so not cool enough to be Austrailian.

He was a Saddlebred. You were lucky it wasn't worse for your horse. Wesley might have lived if we were closer to an equine hospital that could do surgery but the closest was 5 hours. It happened in the early morning hours and he wasn't found until they went to feed so it was way too late.

My trainer had another mare die in the trailer on the way to have colic surgery. I heard that was interesting getting her out......
Oooh, Saddlebred. One of my friends showed Saddlebreds, they're so gorgeous.

Oh, God, I can't even imagine trying to get a downed horse out of a trailer. >_<

Have you ever used a large animal stretcher? Our BBs look so puny after that!
My nickname is finch cause of my last name so EmtFinch just something simple lol
Given that I was just a wee lad when the show came out, and it was my FAVORITE show of all time. Seriously, is there anyone here who wouldn't know the reference to my forum name?

I usually use this in some form. My email is actually completely spelled out cuz yahoo messed it up somehow.
I think the more interesting thing is my signature line. My Canadian brethren know where it is from, and some probably even know what it means.

I'm not Canadian but... "I am a man, but I can change. If I have to. I guess."

And my name is fairly blunt... though I added the "1" for kicks. ^_^
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I'm not Canadian but... "I am a man, but I can change. If I have to. I guess."^_^

Red Green the patron saint of home repair and duct tape.
I think the more interesting thing is my signature line. My Canadian brethren know where it is from, and some probably even know what it means.


Since no one translated your signature, i will for the rest of the community. It reads: "When all else fails, Play Dead"
A36 is my personal black cloud. Whenever I was in that truck, guaranteed one of my run reports that day stretched to page 2!

The sig is a nod to my insomnia. Yeah, it could've been better.
T= First letter of my first name.
Murphy=Last name

I'm not too original, I know :P
A year or so ago I stopped using "cool" usernames in order to look more professional. XP