Forum Game... "Good Wish/Bad Wish"

wish granted

Politics leaves the EMS service, as does the military, Jon becomes head of the NREMT as all the other pricks leave and begins beating us with whips as we are forced to erect a statue of stone in his honor

(Maria hun persona?? what are ya talkin about?)

I wish that My adopted sisters biological father would show up at her wedding heh (He didnt get the invite)
Mr. Biology enters mid-ceremony. At the reception, he completely sweeps you off of your feet and you two end up getting married. Your sister does not show up for the wedding, nor does she ever speak to you again.

I wish that all ATV's... especially three-wheelers be destroyed and outlawed.
Wish granted...

They are outlawed. People around the world fight the courts. They win. ATV's are no longer outlawed as the courts find this rediculous and an outlandish waste of legislation. Furthermore they banish you to Canada's worst terrain for spear heading this pathetic movement. They send you there without an ATV to travel with.

I wish people were not so closed minded.
Wish granted...everyone becomes so open minded that their brains fall out and you spend every minute of every shift responding to these calls and pronouncing them on the scene.

I wish everyone would take more responsibility for their actions.
wish granted, we become a total self policed society without need for lawyers, notaries, priests, religon, politicians or those stupid viagra e-mails ....

I wish Hillary Clinton would eat a live rat on national TV , preferably at the next Democratic convention while Bill plays pocket pool by her side....

Stevo said:
wish granted, we become a total self policed society without need for lawyers, notaries, priests, religon, politicians or those stupid viagra e-mails ....

I wish Hillary Clinton would eat a live rat on national TV , preferably at the next Democratic convention while Bill plays pocket pool by her side....


Wish granted, however she chokes on it and goes into cardiac arrest. Every other EMS service in the country is out of service, and you must resuscitate her, or Bill threatens to send you to afghanistan. You arrive on the scene and she's already dead...but he's a persistant man. He continues with his game, and calls Monica for a bit of a quicky.

I wish there was a call right now...