First Save?!?


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Well, this might very well be a first for me. In the thread Why do you take this seriously, I posted a comment about one of our EMT's son's going into cardiac arrest and us working him. I found out today that he is off the vent and is CAOx4 with no apparent damage noted.

This is due to IMMEDIATE bystander CPR (less than 1 minute down time before CPR initiated) and the fact that our ambulance was at a local clinic preparing to do a BS transport when the call came in. Needless to say, they left the clinic (and patient) and proceeded directly to the second call. This resulted in a shock being delievered within 6 minutes of initial collapse.

This is my first save out of 18 cardiac arrest calls, and my department's first save involving a shock in over 15 years!
That's awesome. Your situation is why public places need AEDs installed in a safe yet easily accessable place. A shock that quick after the initial fall I'm sure played a vital role in his survival.

Originally posted by Chimpie@Mar 4 2005, 10:26 PM
That's awesome. Your situation is why public places need AEDs installed in a safe yet easily accessable place. A shock that quick after the initial fall I'm sure played a vital role in his survival.

The school system doesn't have any AED's although that is going to change because of this call. They just ordered 4 AED's from us since this is our second code there in less than six months.

Congrats to you & your team!
Excellent!!!! I hope your high from that will last awhile.
Originally posted by coloradoemt@Mar 5 2005, 09:55 AM
Excellent!!!! I hope your high from that will last awhile.
Couldn't have said it better myself

Good work!!!
That is just awesome. High 5's all around.
Well, I just got an update on this patient.

They still don't know what caused his heart attack, so they're going to put in a pacemaker and he should be released from the hospital today or tomorrow.

Effing A!!!!!!
All I can say is JOB WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!

This is the reason why I want to come into this field. To help people get a second, (third, forth...etc) chance at life.
These are the times it's worth it all. B) Bask in the glow baby!
I just received an e-mail from our EMS Coordinator and was informed that there's going to be an article in "NCR Magazine" about this call. We all have to write a couple of paragraphs about what happened, and show up for a photo shoot.

Has anyone ever heard of NCR Magazine?

Oh yeah, the patient has made a full recovery, but is suffering from some short term memory loss which the docs don't think will ever go away.
That is great news! When you guys get the article done, be sure to post it, I'd love to read it.

Never heard of NCR though. Is it local or national?
Great news on all accounts. I haven't heard of NCR and a google search for "NCR Magazine" turned up nothing.
Originally posted by MMiz@Aug 23 2005, 02:53 PM
I haven't heard of NCR and a google search for "NCR Magazine" turned up nothing.
Same here... <_<