I'm a "gangsta" now because I enjoy shooting?

Yo dawg, let's go down to da range and pop some caps into some skeet!
There is a big difference between you skeet shooting at some country club or range and the kids in the gangs that shoot each other in the street.
Are you going to tell the kids how cool guns are? Do you want to be known to these kids as an EMT or Physician or as someone carrying a cool gun?
Seeing an eight y/o coming into the ED with his brains dripping out of his skull because his friend thought it was cool to play with a gun whether they are part of a gang or because Daddy has some cool guns is not a good thing.
I just don't believe those who are representing a medical profession should tell kids how cool it is to shoot a gun.
There is nothing wrong with guns in the hands of law abiding citizens. Similarly, the people who have CCW permits are not the ones causing violence. If a CCW permit holder is 'busting a cap' (gotta use my "gangsta" talk after all since CCW proponents=gangstas) because s/he's angry than s/he is doing something drastically wrong. CCW permit is not carte blanche just like a police badge isn't carte blanche.
People who carry a gun may also feel "more secure" and may be more likely to take risks. They may not wait for PD backup if they have their own "backup". They may also be more confrontational. I have worked with several EMTs, Paramedics and FFs during the 80s when this was debated in Florida and those were definitely not the ones who should ever have a gun on their person at work due to their attitudes about "the scum of the earth" aka the patients.
... and kids die from such senseless things as car accidents and sports. Can we ban cars and sports now too?
So you are all for giving guns to everyone including 18 y/os with a 2 hour class?
People don't drive cars with the intent that they will have to kill someone with it. People do put a gun in their car or on their person with the intent that the may have to kill someone with it. Isn't that what the gun is for? If you sense your life is going to be in danger, you carry and should know that you will have to use deadlly force? I do own a gun and have it in my home. If someone breaks in and threatens myself or my family, I am not going to attempt to shoot their gun out of their hand like in the movies, I will go for a kill shot.
However, as a person with advanceing medical knowledge, for sports you might want to read about the research being done with football players and boxers. Both sports and car manufacturers do strive to make their game or vehicles safer through better construction and education. Gun manufacturers market their weapons for killing either of an animal or a human. They don't make it safer by putting foam bullets in it or making it so you will miss whatever you are shooting at.
However, there are several who may never have given a thought about the real consequences that can occur with a gun. They may purchase it after reading the many threads on an EMS forum because some anonymous poster gave reasons that sounded good. There has also be advice that it is your right to carry and your employer can't stop nor do they even have to know. Many here are still trying to figure out EMS and caring for a patient but now you want them to carry a weapon to possibly use deadly force on their patients? LEOs go into their job everyday with that reality that they may have to use their gun but should someone who wants to be a medical professional have to be presented with the same expectations everyday when working on an ambulance? Is this any different than expecting someone to fight fires who only wants to do patient care? And yes so will argue that only a few will carry but again what few and should their (company and employees) insurance rates be raised because a few want to carry a gun? Should the employer require proof of competency from the employee if they are carrying on ambulances? Will the employer then be more liable for the training provided? Will there be a new expectation from the public if EMS providers retreat from a situation when they are armed? Will the public expect them to act without PD because the EMT(P)s are now armed?
Why doesn't someone answer the questions I have posed because they are the ones that were addressed indepth when this was a choice the FDs made? They are the ones you would have to present logically before your employer, the insurance carriers and the legislators. Emotional crying and whining about "the right to carry a gun" are not enought.