FDNY EMS Candidates

Anyone who has already taken the exam, does being CEVO 3 certified give you 5 extra points?
Does anyone know when we will receive our first paycheck?
Has anyone ever seen someone fail out due to PT? I'm pretty nervous about all of the push-ups right now.
If you go to the academy out of shape it is on you and only you. If you go in with the mentality that you are going to fail you are taking a slot away from someone else who IS ready. If you are nervous about push ups or running or whatever you should have started working out a while ago...
Honestly, i dont think you can fail out of PT. That does NOT mean you shouldnt start practicing now. We did a timed run in the beginning of the academy to see how we progress to the end. Same with push-ups. But, do NOT slack in PT. You should start now and continue on during the academy. Dont forget, you are getting PAID to do PT. Make yourself into a better, stronger, person. You'll need it for this job. There are a lot of EMT's out there that dread this job and it makes you not want to be their partners. Do your job and do it well, or dont do it at all. Dont be "THAT" guy.
If you go to the academy out of shape it is on you and only you. If you go in with the mentality that you are going to fail you are taking a slot away from someone else who IS ready. If you are nervous about push ups or running or whatever you should have started working out a while ago...
It's not that I haven't been working at it. It's just that it sounded kinda crazy from what people were saying during the last class.
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Has anyone ever seen someone fail out due to PT? I'm pretty nervous about all of the push-ups right now.
If u fall out during pt you're considering code 10 and have to get checked in ambulance and I believe if that happens 2 or more times u get sent back to BHS for a full medical again to make sure you're still physically capable of doing the job and pt. if cleared u get sent back to academy.
Has anyone ever seen someone fail out due to PT? I'm pretty nervous about all of the push-ups right now.
Pushups are the easy parts of PT lol. We started doing inch worms and other crazy stuff that had me wishing I was running or doing pushups
Honestly, i dont think you can fail out of PT. That does NOT mean you shouldnt start practicing now. We did a timed run in the beginning of the academy to see how we progress to the end. Same with push-ups. But, do NOT slack in PT. You should start now and continue on during the academy. Dont forget, you are getting PAID to do PT. Make yourself into a better, stronger, person. You'll need it for this job. There are a lot of EMT's out there that dread this job and it makes you not want to be their partners. Do your job and do it well, or dont do it at all. Dont be "THAT" guy.
That's what I'm terrified of being partnered up with somebody that's miserable and hates the job
That's what I'm terrified of being partnered up with somebody that's miserable and hates the job


Hope youre ready for the spirit run on friday!