Facial hair? Yay or nay?


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Whats your services policy on facial hair? The only experience ive had is california(they require shaven face and short hair) and lubbock tx(anything goes as long as it looks porfesionalish)
Nothing below the upper lip or further lateral than the end of your lips. Nothing below your ear lobes
Ambo: Needs to be well kept and not interfere with the seal of a P100 mask (goatees ok; no full beards)

Fire: mustache only with strict parameters; no sideburns past the earlobe.
Official policy is looking professional and not interfere with fit on your N95.

Peer pressure from the culture of the department is a clean or close shave with hair high and tight.
We can have a "well groomed beard", but apparently nothing in between close-shaved and actual beard (i.e. my supervisor asks me whether I'm growing a beard when I come in with a week's worth of stubble, and when I reply "no", I am asked to shave).
Anything we want as,long as it doesn't make us look like too much of a hobo
AMR place says goatees/stache only. Other places have no policy besides "well kept."
At my job we can have some significant facial hair. Our options are one of 2 styles of N95 mask or a PAPR. Here's the catch: you have to be fit-tested with your facial hair in the style you choose. If you change your style, you must be retested. If your facial hair doesn't allow for a good seal with the PAPR, may god have mercy on your soul.
Here we can have mustaches; but no beards, because it doesn't let our masks seal (Not SCBA masks, but M-40 Gas Masks {You know you work in a weird EMS service when you are given M-40s}).
Here we can have mustaches; but no beards, because it doesn't let our masks seal (Not SCBA masks, but M-40 Gas Masks {You know you work in a weird EMS service when you are given M-40s}).
M-40s? Yikes, I've been in the Army 9 years now (5 years active, last 4 in the Reserves) and can count the number of times I've actually worn one of those on one hand (though last drill our NBC NCO gave a class on the proper donning/doffing of the M40 pro mask and MOPP gear..)
As long as it looks professional and doesn't interfere with wearing a mask like others have stated.

I personally hate facial hair.
If we want facial hair we need permission. Once you get permission it must be trimmed in such a way that it passes a fit test. Instead of the annual fit test you must conduct a semi-annual fit test.
Yea we don't wear them much, just training, but have them in case we need them.
You want fun, try tubing a mannequin (or person) or starting IV's in heavy rubber apron, gloves, and M-40