
Forum Ride Along
Okay so I am a newly certified EMT-B. Im applying for ICEMA and all those certs. I unfortunately over 3 years ago got a DUI they did not convict me till a year later. There was no accidents or Injuries. It was minor. But still a DUI. I recently found out that the STATE is going to deny my application but they will allow me to go to a specialized doctor to evaluate me. They did say I can wait 5 years and not have to do this but I'd rather not, since the NREMT expires in a year since the day I took it. I am curious if anyone else has been in my situation and knows the process and time frame of how long it takes because I am trying to get everything done as fast as I can so I can start my career (super excited) but this was a knock down. HELP!!!! Any input is appreciated!

Thank you!!


Forum Troll
While you may still be able to get your EMT cert from the state another major issue that you will run into is that for the vast majority of EMT jobs they require you to drive the ambulance which requires an ambulance license. You are extremely unlikely to be able to get one for about 7-8 years and if you do then ambulance companies also have their own policies in place for time frame.


Forum Ride Along
While you may still be able to get your EMT cert from the state another major issue that you will run into is that for the vast majority of EMT jobs they require you to drive the ambulance which requires an ambulance license. You are extremely unlikely to be able to get one for about 7-8 years and if you do then ambulance companies also have their own policies in place for time frame.
Thank you!! I really appreciate any information! I'm just trying to stay positive and not give up. I'm a little lost in the process so i feel like I'm treading water.


Californian, Lost in Texas
In SoCal, you're basically totally hosed as far as prehospital EMS because of that DUI. Maybe look at working as a nursing aide or ED tech or something.