You know I think it might be worth it to look back at the history of the 911 service. I have to admit that I don't know that much about it at all...but it is a
great concept. Unfortunelty,it is being abused...and a lot more than I think a lot of people realize (check out this article I think it definitly has gone from a luxury mindset to a call on demand service...think about it fortunate are we to be able to dial three numbers and have other people, who really have no obligation to help us...yet are trained, come and give aid. Unfortunetly the mindset has gone from that to "of course they came
...I called them! And they
should have been here
why haven't my fries been brought yet??" <_<
There was a little situation one of our expedition groups had a couple years ago. About 3 days out in the back country...broken cell service (and where they were satalite phones were about useless...but they did have a WEMT with them

In any case they had to send to people to higher ground to call 911 for an ambulance...they had to call 24 times before they got a dispatcher because they kept being put on hold because all of the lines were busy. Later they were told it was because there were several non-emergencies that had taken up the phone lines...rediculous!!
It seems to me that there should be a better way to educate people on when to and when not to call 911....reminds me of that movie quote:
"PIease don't teII me you caIIed me out of a wedding to heIp you pick out a suit."
"You ran out of a wedding? That's horribIe!"
"You said it was an emergency! Didn't I memo you as to what constitutes an emergency?"
"Yes. Large meteor, severe Ioss of bIood and what's the third one again?"
" And you're not dead."
But despite all of its greviences...and let's face it no job is perfect...keep in mind that to those who
really do have an're heroes. I have yet to decide if I will continue my training and possibly work within the urban context as an EMT so speaking as someone who is not currently one...I have to say I respect all of you, and what you do, a lot....hope that wasn't too sappy for you all