embracing the rickEresq


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So i have a weird little theater like room in the new house amd was thinking about decorating it with an ems theme. Heres the problem.. i am not creative, so emtlife, design it. I dont know what to do with it. I have various patches from departments that i guess i could do the framed patch thing but i dont have any more ideas... this probably sounds dumb but its the one room i can call my own space. A man cave if u will. The wife has the rest of the house haha
Lights and siren for a door bell
10-4! I didnt even think of a light bar! Ebay'd it right now! Siren doorbell?!?!?!?! We just became best friends
N7, yea like that.. but less fd stuff.

Oh its got the stain. My cats tend to consume the late night killings in the same corner of that room. Cant get them to stop...

Backboard as a bar?! Genius!
Glass eyballs in teacups.
1 prosthetic leg
foley catheter, line and bag
metal kidney basins
Rolling I.V. stand with scotch-colored fluids in the bags (lines, of course!)
Tank of Nitrous Oxide (mock-up of course!)
Collection of surgical instruments from the 1800s
Any backboard, scoop or breakaway stretcher
Lots of straps with soft restraints (lockable!)!
Continuous EKG strips as wall trim, preferably with a succesful de-fib!
Bullet holes in windows
Rubber vomit
Hare-traction splint
X-Rays, lots of gnarley X-Rays!
CT scan of brain. CT scan of brain with bleed
Defibrillator paddles with notches carved in to their handles

...oh, a Resusci-Annie (or Andy?) is a must; not just the head either, you want to dress her/him up!!
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That's pretty cleaver bags of IVs you can suck on like a beer bongs, with an IV hanger on the table. Also a paddle style phone, (if it still exist)
Sharps container pint glass.
Sharps tube shot glass.
Emesis Basin full of bar nuts.
The glass bristojet vials from a D50 syringe make nifty shot glasses. :)
Yea i was thinking the same thing but hell..why not? If i could figure out how to put beer in there without it going flat...

And after some of the things ive seen in an emsis basin... im not putting my nuts anywhere near them.
Jagermeister draft lol it does taste like "medicine" :lol:
Yup the flushes make excellent drink dispensers. An old partner of mine seductively drank monster out of them all the time hahaha