That's fair. I feel the same about myself. However, I became a paramedic knowing who I'd primarily be working for. I became a paramedic because I believe that no matter what poor decisions people make, or whatever situation they are in, they should always have the help that they need when they need it. Because they're still the people that share this world with me. I believe that often, good people lack the tools they need to succeed. I don't believe the Republican idea that everyone has a chance. Some people aren't born into oil money or big business. Some people work their hardest and just don't make it. And I believe those people need help. I believe everyone CAN have a chance, but it DOES require some intervention from the government and the generosity of the more fortunate people around them. And that is why I support a Democratic government. It's a form of government that wants to develop ways to help the struggling people in this world. And it's why I support universal health care. I'm willing to give part of what I make to ensure that the world, quite simply, is a better place to live for everyone. I'm a hippy.
sorry i missed a few days of the fun
hate to rain on your flowers and rainbows....but you aren't supporting "universal" health care....what about non-US citizens...there are millions of people in the world without health you propose giving them free high quality health care too? If the answer is "its not the responsibility of the USFed Govt to provide for non citizens, my response is that it isn't their responsibility to provide for citizens either.
At a minimum it should be a state issue....10th state (MA) managed to deal with it....tell yours to get with the picture.
All your arguments are good reasons for the US to provide health care to the world. I'm willing to bet you aren't "willing" to give up that share of your paycheck....which brings me to the crux of the argument really
it's super that you are happy to give up your paycheck...really it is. You should be proud of your generosity. And I think there should be a box to check on everybody's tax returns to voluntarily contribute to an expanded Medicare program (don't kid yourself....a bigger version of that super awesome efficient program is what you are proposing).
The problem is when you are also willing to give away MY may be a humanitarian, but if you try to force me to be equally nice at the point of a gun, expect some dispute. The only things I'm willing to pay taxes on are things that an average individual couldn't afford on their own, but which when purchased collectively with others, provide common benefit. Examples are roads, armies, navies, fire departments, water systems, etc. Even those I wouldn't mind going private...
Health insurance doesn't qualify any more than do cars, gasoline, or puppy dogs (which reduce stress and add years to your life...i bet on balance you get more years per free puppy than you do per free pacemaker implantation...) If you want to volunteer your money: DO IT!....let me make my own decisions on how charitable i want to be.
Next issue:
do you really want our amazing government to be making decisions as to what medical procedures are approved and which aren't? I'm genuinely interested in how you deal with the problem of a highly experimental (read: expensive) procedure which has about a 20% chance of working? Ask any billing type what they think about Medicare procedures to get in insight into that type of decision making....strap yourself in though.
Back to the 10th ammendment. A federally imposed universal healthcare system is unconstitutional. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
"Remember remember the fifth of November...."