Do you need a medical director for a standby service

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Can anyone tell me if I need a medical director to start a stand by service in Florida. No transporting will be involved.I will provide BLS care which can include oxygen.
Can anyone tell me if I need a medical director to start a stand by service in Florida. No transporting will be involved.I will provide BLS care which can include oxygen.

As a general rule medical direction is required to act as an EMT. If you want to just provide first aid with EMT trained staff that's one thing, but doing so means no administration of medications, and oxygen is a medication.

Your local laws could vary I suppose your best bet is to contact your state or county EMS office.
Stand by

I actually called my state and told them I'm starting a medical standby service and explained what I was doing and they gave me the impression I don't need one in Florida as long as I am not not transporting or doing ALS. At least that's the impression he gave me. I kinda feel like its a loophole but maybe im wrong.Didn't mention about oxygen but I don't know if that would make a difference . I do know I been having a hard time trying to get my oxygen bottles refilled without a physician. I def want to provide oxygen as part of my treatment service but if I don't need a medical director for that its one less exspense in my Buisness venture. I just want to make sure I'm following all rules and protocols
To administer a drug, transport or not, you need a medical director. O2 is a drug. To operate in your states BLS protocol without a medical director is probably a felony.
To act as an EMT you have to have a medical director (you "practice" under his/her license and s/he provides a scope for your level). You can do basic first aid and CPR without a medical director. Oxygen is a drug. If you are going to give a drug to a patient then you need medical direction.
Shouldn't have a problem doing a stand by. Any problem that can't fixed with a band aid, you call 911 and your a Good Samaritan.
Business Venture...sounds as if he is working for himself....tell me what standby as I will become a victim and then cash in on your medical malpractice policy, especially for not having a medical director...unless of course you do not have that "extra expense" either.
Shouldn't have a problem doing a stand by. Any problem that can't fixed with a band aid, you call 911 and your a Good Samaritan.

Bad advice.

If you are selling me your services, you better be licensed (business, not just EMT), have adequate liability insurance, and not call 911 for everything more than a bandaid because what is the point in me retaining your services to start with? I can do that myself...
If you are doing EMS, then you need a medical director. But if you are doing First Aid with EMTs, you do not. The difference, at least in my parts, is that if you are doing first aid, then you cannot respond to places--the people have to come to you.

I know some counties have some sort of thing where they have a medical director you can use for providing standby ems, but as that is not common in my area, I don't know how that works. I would imagine you register with the county (or state, or city) and say you want to provide Standby EMS and they "loan" you their MD for the day?
Bad advice.

If you are selling me your services, you better be licensed (business, not just EMT), have adequate liability insurance, and not call 911 for everything more than a bandaid because what is the point in me retaining your services to start with? I can do that myself...

No one said anything about selling.

And Athletic trainers don't have a medical license.
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The responses I see are more in line with someone trying to do a standby for say a high school football game or a charity run.

However, my impression of the OP's situation based on his terminology is that he is starting a business and marketing himself to standby at events. Entirely different concepts, so he is going to need liability insurance, he is going to need oversight...otherwise his business model is doomed before it even starts.

There is a market for his services but he needs to do it right...doing something right will cost money. Take no shortcuts and you will excel. It will be difficult, but not impossible.

Cheap, Quick, and Good. You can have any two. A good quick job won't be cheap. A good job cheap won't be quick. A cheap job quick won't be good.
No one said anything about selling.

And Athletic trainers don't have a medical license.

Did you read the OP's comments....

What business venture does not involve selling?
akflightmedic whats up with the negative troll feedback? Obviously if Im on here asking a question about this is because Im wanting to do the right thing for my business so it will not fail. Did you not read my other posts before commenting? I am trying to follow all rules and protocols for my business in my State. Yes, I will be providing standby care to events like football games,concerts, conventions,etc..etc.A much needed service where I live at.Anyways to answer many of your questions and anyone who can help. First off. I will not be working for myself. I tend to hire a max of 10 EMTs as private contractors. I do have liability and professional insurance for my company of $1,0000,000 and $3,000,000 for aggregate for myself and anyone who would work for me under my company insurance.with that said I also invested in $5000.00 worth of medical equipment and AEDs. The only thing I don't have is oxygen. Which is a very important aspect to medical care. So im trying to find out if (one) "Can I practice BLS care without a Medical Director doing basic life support stuff like bandaging,splinting,activated charcoal,etc etc.You know normal things you find in a BLS medical bag that's not ALS but also not a simple first aid kit with bandaids. The impression I got from speaking to one person from the state is no I don't need one. But I want to make sure because I didn't tell him I want to provide oxygen also.So im trying to figure if the only reason why I need a medical director is for the oxygen part or for the BLS part??????? or neither
So many legal opinions, so few lawyers.

What it comes down to is, check your local laws.

In my area, you could employ EMTs and Paramedics to provide First Aid/First Responder services to an event, always working within the First Responder and established First Aid scopes of practice (which in my area, includes oxygen) without medical direction. As soon as you want to employ an skill that falls within the scope of EMT/Paramedic, then you would need a medical director. Like I said, this is how things work in my corner of the world, yours could be very, very different. Regardless of what scope of practice you're using, liability insurance will be an absolute must.
Where did you get negativity from? I gave very real, serious advice. You may not have liked the delivery, but it was for your benefit. I said your concept has merit, I said there was a need for it. I am very familiar with venue standby especially in central FL.

Then I also stressed if things are not done properly, you will fail. That is a reality of any business because there are already established, competing entities who are doing it better than what you proposed. They have O2, they have medical directors.

You were quite dismissive of having O2 as an "extra expense" which is why I went ahead and suggested sarcastically that maybe a medical director was an unneeded expense. Then I extrapolated that into your first few real gigs with the implication of someone going to sue you.

I am a medical business owner. I have many lessons learned, some hard, some easy. Take free advice when you can get it. Do yourself a favor and find a medical would be surprised how affordable some can may even find one willing to be a sweat equity partner until you can afford his desired wages.
Medical standby

I quote what you said """"Business Venture...sounds as if he is working for himself....tell me what standby as I will become a victim and then cash in on your medical malpractice policy, especially for not having a medical director...unless of course you do not have that "extra expense" either.""""

You cant assume things especially if im on this forum asking information to avoid problems. You were wrong to assume I be working for myself first off and second even if i was.Im asking a question to make the right choices.Nothing is official yet. Anyways my intentions is to have Medical Direction for my business. I would feel uncomfortable without one or my staff.I was always taught through EMT school that a medical director is needed whenever you practice any BLS skills.My maybe my understanding to all this is that its not the EMT skills that really needs the medical direction but the lil parts of it involved that does . Example: "Giving Epipen" or "Nitro".Those skills definitely need medical direction.But see none of my medical bags will have this kinda stuff for me to use or my staff. Only the basic stuff that's 1 step above a simple Walmart first aid kit filled with simple bandaids. Example splint boards,cervical collars,backboard,suction machine,Bag Valve masks,nasal cannulas etc..etc.A basic BLS bag. So my question is do I need medical direction for basic life support or do I need medical direction to provide oxygen or both ? that is the question im trying to find out.The one guy I spoke to from the state said basically as long as im not transporting or doing anything at ALS level then its ok. I kinda thought that was weird advice.I don't know if that's true or has anything to do with it. My issue is a medical director can be expensive especially for a starting up business. But if im just splinting,bandaging, and taking vitals and from time to time give oxygen why would I need a medical director? or maybe I don't. I want to find out
Yes, I addressed exactly what you quoted above. I was proving a point...I said it but would not do it...others would think it and do it. That is the reality of being in the medical business.

I made no assumption, you stated it with the words you used. Expenses, business venture...this implies you are working for yourself. Whether you are or are not, it is irrelevant to the questions you asked which I have answered. My answers were in direct contrast to the others which were given. Which means you are really no better off at the moment, sounds like more research and possible legal consult would be of more benefit. After all, we are talking your livelihood here...

And as I stated in earlier post, what sets you apart from your competition? If all you are is a Wal Mart first aid kit, why would I as an event sponsor want to hire you? I told you, you have better equipped and better funded competition. This does not mean you cannot do it, it means you need to bring your best from the start to begin with.

Why not get a medical director. It gives your organization credibility, it gives you bragging rights, it makes you sound more organized and professional. As for the guy from the state, did you get it in writing? If not, do so....I would hardly proceed with word of mouth only.

And again, I encourage you to search...there are tons of docs that would do this low cost or no cost simply to be a profit share partner later on if all goes well. You just better have a solid business plan for them to review and some serious leads.
Im not sure if your reading my stuff akflightmedic correctly or im just not writing clearly.Never said Im providing Wal-Mart first aid care but way above it. I gave examples. Backboard,Splint boards,Nasal Cannulas,etc..etc.You dont find that kinda stuff in a Wal-Mart first aid kit. I'm licensed and insured already.My business is expected to launch by next month hopefully. What makes me stand from the crowd is that I provide AEDs to events,First-Aid tents, Bike Patrol, etc..etc. This operation is alot more then just band-aids.This is definitely not a small operation but also not huge operation like some companies who provide Ambulances along with there standby service. I just want to know if anyone familiar with Florida laws and protocols know if I require a Medical Director for this kinda service. Thats all. Like I said I will be giving oxygen for those who need it.
Since this is getting a bit stained, let me spell it out for the OP.

For anything more than BASIC LAY RESPONDER CPR, a bandaid and calling 911, you will need a Medical Director. Any BLS skills, especially Oxygen administration will require medical direction.

Question asked and answered.
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