Do the clothes really make the man?

I hate jumpsuits, they're so hard to deal with while peeing. (Girls can't stand up to pee... have to disrobe my entire 'top', roll it up, keep it from falling on/dragging on the nasty bathroom floor.)

I'm glad my agency doesn't have badges on our street uniforms. We have them, but they're on our Class B's & A's. Which we rarely wear. We have agency patches, but no badges. I'm fine with that.

But as a girl, I vote no to jumpsuits! :D

Do you pee so much that its an actual problem/concern over the steps necessary to do so?

I poop a lot. Probably cause I am full of Shyte...jumpsuits are not a gender concern as there are many men who sit to pee as well or should.
Not that much.. it's just a personal preference kind of thing. I just find them annoying.
As a LEO I would never wear my badge ever if i didn't have a means to protect it, because there are folks out there that give different treatment to people with a badge.
what exactly do you mean by this?
FWIW I have to wear a badge at work, and it was almost a deciding factor on me not taking the job, i thoroughly hate having a badge, and no means of defending it.
what exactly do you mean by this?
what exactly do you mean by this?what exactly do you mean by this?

There are inherit dangers in my opinion that come with wearing a badge. People expect you to protect them ect. I would never wear my badge that says "New York state police- parole officer. Badge number 1234" without having my service weapon and a means of retention(handcuffs) on me. At my ems job I work for the sheriffs office EMS unit. Which is mainly comprised of people like me who work part time ems full time Leo. I work on a cct rig as an assistant to the CC-P. On our uniforms we have to wear badges which was almost a deal breaker on me actually taking the job. However I decided I needed some experience.

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I hate jumpsuits, they're so hard to deal with while peeing. (Girls can't stand up to pee... have to disrobe my entire 'top', roll it up, keep it from falling on/dragging on the nasty bathroom floor.)
