PA Statewide DNR Protocol
A. Patient displaying an Out-of-Hospital Do Not Resuscitate (OOH-DNR) original order, bracelet, or
necklace who is in cardiac or respiratory arrest.1
Exclusion Criteria:
A. Patient does not display, and patient surrogate does not produce, an OOH-DNR original order,
bracelet, or necklace.
B. An OOH-DNR order may be revoked by a patient or their surrogate at any time. If the patient or
surrogate communicates to an EMS practitioner their intent to revoke the order, the EMS
practitioner shall provide CPR if the individual is in cardiac or respiratory arrest.
C. Advance directives, living wills, and other DNR forms that are not valid Pennsylvania Department
of Health OOH-DNR orders may not be followed by EMS personnel unless validated by a medical
command physician. When presented with these documents, CPR / resuscitation should be
initiated and medical command should be contacted as soon as possible.
D. Patient is not in cardiac or respiratory arrest.
A. All patients in cardiac or respiratory arrest: 2
1. Follow Scene Safety protocol #102 and BSI precautions.
2. Verify the presence of a valid PA DOH OOH-DNR original order, bracelet, or necklace.
a. If there is any question of whether the OOH-DNR order is valid, the patient or their
surrogate has revoked the order, or whether the patient is pregnant 3 , the EMS
practitioner shall:
1) Initiate resuscitation using appropriate protocol(s), and
2) Contact medical command as soon as possible
3. Verify pulselessness or apnea.
4. If a bystander has already initiated CPR:
a. Assist with CPR and contact medical command immediately.
5. If CPR has not been initiated before the arrival of EMS personnel:
a. The OOH-DNR shall be honored and CPR shall be withheld or discontinued.
b. Contact the local coroner or medical examiner.
Possible Medical Command Orders:
A. The medical command physician may order termination of resuscitation efforts if CPR was not
initiated by EMS personnel.
1. EMS personnel shall follow this protocol and, when appropriate, shall honor an OOH-DNR within
a hospital.
2. An OOH-DNR order, bracelet or necklace is of no consequence unless the patient is in cardiac or
respiratory arrest, if vital signs are present, the EMS practitioner shall provide medical
interventions necessary and appropriate to provide comfort to the patient and alleviate pain
unless otherwise directed by the patient or a medical command physician. Follow appropriate
treatment protocols.
3. For pregnant patients, the EMS personnel shall examine the original signed OOH-DNR to ensure
completion of Section 2B “Physicians for Pregnant Patients Only” by the patient’s attending
physician in order to honor the OOH-DNR and withhold or discontinue CPR.
Performance Parameters:
A. Review all cases for documentation of presence of a PA DOH recognized OOH-DNR order,
bracelet, or necklace..Pennsylvania Department of Health Resuscitation 331 – BLS – Adult/Peds
Effective 11/01/08 331-1 of 3