Lots and lots of short sighted thinking from subjective viewpoints. C-19 isn't this and hasn't that therefore... Ignoring other factors like much of the world population has endemic TB and other diseases that will inevitably compound the C-19 effects. As long as it isn't in our back yard!
Anyone giving any thought to the millions of people in refugee camps with little or no proper medical care? Sure sounds like a potential C-19 genetic pool, doesn't it? One of several no doubt. And of course the little mother nature jump-shifts like HIV and now this virus. No reason to be alarmed and change our life styles, thinking and preparedness, it can't possibly happen again.
Interesting modern day mindset:
"We demand the lockdown cease so that we can return to our usual unsustainable lifestyles that will doom most of the life on the planet in the next 100-200 years, or less. Self gratification is paramount above all else."
It's interesting that you sit on your shaky platform, condescendingly asserting everyone here has short sighted, subjective opinions while you are giving a short-sighted, subjective opinion.
1. Social distancing DID NOT kill the virus, nor was it ever intended to
2. When the lockdown gets lifted, if you (and the early models) are correct, we should see an explosion in infections and deaths
3. The lockdown actually has been eased and continues to be phased in over the next two weeks
4. The ACTUAL raw data, not your opinion of what it should be, is as follows
(below are rolling 7 day averages, starting yesterday and going backwards)
World growth rate over the last 7 days - 2.26%, 2.39%, 2.44%, 2.50%, 2.50%, 2.52%, 2.56%
US growth rate over the last 7 days - 1.88%, 2.12%, 2.28%, 2.42%, 2.50%, 2.56%, 2.50%
OBJECTIVELY - that is a downward trend in growth rate..
So then, here's my subjective opinion, based on the big picture - if this faux quarantine wasn't ever going to kill the virus, and we are eventually going to lift the lockdown WELL BEFORE a vaccine is available. Once the lockdown is lifted, there will be community spread and more deaths, so wasn't the quarantine just a waste of time? Sure, I'll concede that an early quarantine might have been appropriate to give the healthcare system time to get supplies and equipment, but the truth is the majority of us have been fully stocked for 6-8 weeks now, sitting on our thumbs and waiting for the explosion.