Exactly what we should have been doing in most of the US: Strongly advise the vulnerable to quarantine themselves, and advise everyone else to clean their hands frequently and use common sense. Done.
Instead, we are trying to force EVERYONE to stay home, and citing paddle boarders and surfers (CA) and people going for early morning jogs on empty beaches (NC), and giving $500 tickets to people attending church services in their cars with their windows rolled up (MS) and making people wear filthy, completely ineffective cloth masks in public (NY). We're telling people that they can go to Home Depot but they can't buy paint or gardening supplies but they can buy state lottery tickets (MI), and people from out to state can come in to vacation in rental homes, but state residents can't go to their own second residences (MI). The feds have added $2T to our already outrageous debt and weakened the dollar by printing $4T out of thin air, all so that they can send $1,200 checks to people who haven't lost their jobs and give massive amounts of money (that they could never justify doing on its own merits) to a laundry list of pet industries that have absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic.
Obliterating individual liberties, putting millions of people out of work, destroying businesses, AND putting the lead foot down on the accelerator of the car headed towards fiscal ruin, over a virus that will likely end up having a CFR comparable to the seasonal flu. Awesome!
Whatever small amount of faith I still had in our political "leaders" before March is all used up now.
Not to get off topic, but Sweden is not a socialist country. The have a thriving market economy and actually rank higher in some indexes of economic freedom than the US does. They do have a generous welfare state. Thats pretty easy to manage when you have a tiny, culturally homogenous population, a very healthy GDP per capita, little debt and a political system that actually works.