Coronavirus Discussion Thread


I don't think this is a nothing. It's possible that it could simply go away. It's possible that the effect could be minor. But the disease is much more severe than influenza oh, there is no vaccine, and there is no treatment. This leaves not just a significantly higher mortality rate than influenza, but the potential to overwhelm an already overburdened Healthcare System putting it into a triage mode. Disruption of supply chain and the economy are also potential major consequences of this disease. the world will not end. Life Will Go On. It did so in 1918 1919, but the was much tragedy, suffering, and death.
It's treated the same way we treat flu. Supportive care. It'll kill a bunch of immunocompromised people and make a lot of people sick.
It's already far and wide in Washington with 50+ people who were in contact with staff and residents at the LTAC in Kirkwood sick or hospitalized with respiratory symptoms.

This is going away anytime soon. It's in no way a "nothing burger". If it continues to spread, it may very well incapacitate large areas of the US.
Well. I guess we will see.
It'll go the way of H1N1, in my opinion.

Novel viral status= People will wig out. People will get sick. The young, old, and immunocompromised will be hit the hardest. And then it will just be another waxing/waning seasonal illness.

Vaccines are in the works on multiple fronts.

Wake me up when it starts killing normal healthy people at high rates.
It doesn't have to kill a lot of people to really f up the economy and seriously impact the infrastructure we all take for granted.

That’s The Stupid being acted on. I hear Test Vaccine 93-B71 is looking pretty good...
It doesn't have to kill a lot of people to really f up the economy and seriously impact the infrastructure we all take for granted.
Destabilization.... that’s what you’re talking about.
It isn’t the zombie virus.... it’s a flu like illness. When you get it, you get a flu like symptoms, and then you get better.
One woman in Japan got it twice.
The young, old, and immunocompromised will be hit the hardest.

To my knowledge there haven't been any deaths in school aged or younger.

Even among the old adults mortality is heavily weighed on those with comorbid disease.
Even among the old adults mortality is heavily weighed on those with comorbid disease.
That’s what I’m saying.

As it progresses past direct contact with infected Chinese and nosocomial infections and begins its community spread kids will probably be hit as well. Hopefully not as hard.
That’s what I’m saying.

As it progresses past direct contact with infected Chinese and nosocomial infections and begins its community spread kids will probably be hit as well. Hopefully not as hard.

There have been younger kids infected, just no deaths.
There have been younger kids infected, just no deaths.
Hope there aren’t, but we will see in time.
Flu can be devastating for young hosts. It is good news that there have no infected children who have succumb to COVID-19.
The morbidity of this disease in healthy adults is higher than influenza.

It is also significantly more contagious than influenza.

The PPE and isolation considerations are more complex than influenza and a major capacity bottleneck for healthcare. Failures in PPE and isolation have resulted in ENORMOUS rates of hospital acquired infection AND HEALTHCARE WORKER INFECTIONS with severe morbidity and notable mortality. Thousands of HCWs have been infected, and not just in China. But done correctly, the outcomes are good.

You had better take it seriously, because systemically EMS systems are going to be utilized to collect COVID-19 lab testing on non-critical patients at home rather than taking them to overburdened ERs.

"I don't have a protocol for that." You likely will shortly.

Practice with you PPE and turn your "Community EMS" switch to WAR


EMS will also transfer early patients from outlying facilities to hospitals with special disease units... then after the initial stages of the outbreak EMS will find itself transferring patients from facilities without adequate airborne rooms to facilities with adequate rooms. EMS will also transfer critical COVID-19 cases from small hospitals and overburdened hospitals to hospitals with ICU capacity (and ECMO when one opens up).
Apparently hits very hard on current/prior smokers. Wonder if that will be true for all the Vapers too

Italy has a decent sized outbreak and is trialing early ECMO for high risk cases however not really feasible large scale.

And rumor has it that N95s are not effective which is why we are seeing healthcare worker acquired. N99 or PAPR is probably the safest bet.
And rumor has it that N95s are not effective which is why we are seeing healthcare worker acquired. N99 or PAPR is probably the safest bet.

This indicates N95s work fine with proper procedure and good hand hygiene:

Theoretically as well, N95s should be just fine.

We use N95s against similarly sized airborne viruses with great effect.

The problem is people such at their PPE technique, they self contaminate when doffing. A better filter won't do anything for that.

The word of the year is Fastidious.
very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail.

2.3% mortality rate is not a 'nothing burger'.
Most have heard the old paradoxymoron, 'A Chrisitan Scientist with a hot appendix'.
Looks quite likely we will get a new one: Contracting Covid19 at a Trump rally.'
Most have heard the old paradoxymoron, 'A Chrisitan Scientist with a hot appendix'.
Looks quite likely we will get a new one: Contracting Covid19 at a Trump rally.'
I haven’t. Care to explain...
And 4,800 people in the US have also died from regular flu this year already. Yet no one is hitting any panic buttons over that...
'Normal' flu is pandemic, fully established, in the wild. It's mortality rate is <.1%
Covid19 mortality rate is presently 2.27%

Covid19 was only reported in Wuhan China 2 months ago. At present it is in:
  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Macau
  • Taiwan
  • Afghanistan
  • Algeria
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bahrain
  • Belarus
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Cambodia
  • Canada
  • Croatia
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Egypt
  • Finland
  • France
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Iceland
  • India
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Lithuania
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • Monaco
  • Nepal
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Nigeria
  • North Macedonia
  • Norway
  • Oman
  • Pakistan
  • Philippines
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • San Marino
  • Singapore
  • Spain
  • Sri Lanka
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Thailand
  • The Republic of Korea
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Vietnam

I haven’t. Care to explain...
A paradoxymoron is something that cannot possibly happen but inevitably will.
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