Concealed Carry

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Here's an idea. How about you actually START your EMT class, learn what it means to be a medical provider, learn what it means to keep yourself safe, and THAN come back into this conversation. Until then, there is really no point in getting yourself involved.

I was working in the medical field ten years ago, as a hall tech in a Level II trauma center. Sorry I haven't yet taken my 120 hours of basic first aid class that, if my reading skills work well, you also haven't finished.

You come onto this website, which is clearly about the field of pre-hospital medicine, and you tell everybody that they are idiots and wusses.
I didn't tell everyone that, just the irrational, emotion-driven individuals incapable of rational thought.

Well, I have some news for you. Although you do have the right to free speech, you may want to seriously watch your mouth.
That's not "news", that's "advice".

As far as answering your questions, I don't really see the point to be honest. All you are going to do is ignore them and be extremely immature in your responses.
So you're saying that you're ignoring my questions because I'd ignore your answers. That's your idea of a logical debate, yes?

Go back and look at some of your previous posts. What good does name calling do?
You'll note I haven't done that until pages into debates that are, essentially, me trying to discuss something with a monologueing scratched record.

So seriously consider your attitude, and get it through your mind that EMS is a bit different from the military and law enforcement.
I thought that I've said that exact thing about fifty times. The discussion comes full circle, we're back to your reading comprehension. Don't worry Dorothy, the Straw Man will be fine!

Because as of now, from everything I've seen, and I'm sure others would agree with me, you should not be in this field at all.
I really couldnt' give two drippy :censored::censored::censored::censored:s what you think :) I've been accepted into a EMT-b then a EMT-p program already. You're wanting to be a medic, yes? Has the dean of your EMT-P school accepted you into the program, based on your merits and interviews, before you've even taken your EMT-b classes? I didn't quite think so. I guess I'll trust the Director of Emergency Services at my hospital, also the dean of the school I'll be attending, over that of some internet know-it-all.

All you care about is carrying a gun. You do NOT care about anything else, such as patient care or the safety and management of a scene.
If all I cared about was carrying a gun, I'd be on cloud nine right now, I'm carrying my custom SIG P229 and preparing my .25MOA Rem 700 .30-'06 for hunting tomorrow. Of course, a few hours ago, I was extricating a 7 year old child from a destroyed car, and before that I was riding BLS with the ALS transport and the medics were discussing the EKG with me and showing me what they were seeing. You've had many medics do that with you, brain child?

I'm done discussing this issue with myself, and you looking on. Meet the ignore list. I hope you don't end up getting your prejudice *** murdered up in your cesspit of a city up there. Best of luck.
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I really couldnt' give two drippy :censored::censored::censored::censored:s what you think :) I've been accepted into a EMT-b then a EMT-p program already. You're wanting to be a medic, yes? Has the dean of your EMT-P school accepted you into the program, based on your merits and interviews, before you've even taken your EMT-b classes? I didn't quite think so. I guess I'll trust the Director of Emergency Services at my hospital, also the dean of the school I'll be attending, over that of some internet know-it-all.

LOL! The bubba system at its finest. Is the "Dean" of your EMT-P school a hunting partner?

You have to pass the EMT-B class and exam first. That may not happen. The first time you pull out your gun at scene, you'll be gone.
I really couldnt' give two drippy :censored::censored::censored::censored:s what you think :) I've been accepted into a EMT-b then a EMT-p program already. You're wanting to be a medic, yes? Has the dean of your EMT-P school accepted you into the program, based on your merits and interviews, before you've even taken your EMT-b classes? I didn't quite think so. I guess I'll trust the Director of Emergency Services at my hospital, also the dean of the school I'll be attending, over that of some internet know-it-all.

How bout you stfu and come back when you have graduated and are certified/licensed.
LOL! The bubba system at its finest. Is the "Dean" of your EMT-P school a hunting partner?

Disagree with your ignorance I may, call you out on your logical fallacies I shall, but insulting your competenc ein the medical field or the Director of Emergency Services at your hospital? Just the type of emotion based response I'd expect you to sling. When all else fails, insult!

You have to pass the EMT-B class and exam first. That may not happen. The first time you pull out your gun at scene, you'll be gone.
Are you daft? Do you think I'd care? I mean, if I used my gun in accordance with the law and defended myself from a would-be killer, do you think I'd care that I might lose my seventeen dollar an hour job? Yeah, good job there emotion-thinker, I'd much rather just be dead on the sidewalk, glad that my reanimated spirit can still have my freaking NR certification.

Try following along here little lady;

In EMS, from what I understand, certain things are treated first. If a patient has a compound fracture and can't breathe, the "can't breathe" is dealt with first. I'm sure you're aware of that, so you understand that certain variables in outcome are more ideal than others.

So, if I have the choice between losing my job over a valid shoot, or lying on the ground dead... guess which one sounds better to me?

VentMedic, meet the ignore list.
How bout you stfu and come back when you have graduated and are certified/licensed.

I'm sorry, I didn't even notice that you'd taken over the forum. Any reason your name isn't in red?

Oh, I know why.

This isn't your house.

I can't think of anything more ignorant than to walk into another mans house and start dictating rules.
And that's enough of this one.

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