Common reasons people quit

If you have never thought of quitting, you haven't been doing it long enough.

^^^^^ The truth.

Sent from my electronic overbearing life controller
I walked off a job once, prior to working in EMS. After being lied to about the holiday schedule, my regular work schedule, my pay, and countless other things that are just too numerous to mention, I got an offer for a new job. The second I hung up the phone I clocked out, let HR know I wouldn't be back and left.

Was it the right thing to do? Probably not, but I would be lying if I didn't tell you it felt great to be in a position where I knew I could tell my crappy job to shove it and not worry about what I was going to do the next day.
I have seen people quit over pay, but have seen even more leave ( including me :cool: ) due to a better job opportunity.
I went from FT working 80+ hours a week to PRN with 1 day's notice because they screwed up my paycheck for the 10th pay period in a row.

The HR manager got fired over it, and about a year later I went back to FT
In my experience, most of the people who quit for reasons other than a better paying job do so after either:
1. Seeing someone they love or at least like get hurt, critically ill or die
2. When they realize that most of what we do is neither interesting, exciting or "heroic"
3. The first time they get puked/****/peed on.

It's also usually the young kids who quit the quickest, usually because of point #2.
New posts. Missed this one before.

In my experience most folks who quit "on the spot" were "about to get caught". (Liked the response about the internet above).

I slid my resignation under my boss's door one weekend, chickened and fished it back with a coathanger before Monday. I lasted another twelve years and did my best work, she lasted another seven and was run out. I guess I won.
Crazy partners...
Pretty much all of our recent voluntary resignations have been so the medic could go to school, go back to a fire dept, or to take new fire dept job.

Cant remember anyone that has quit on the spot.

I do remember my wife tried to a quit a certain national company way back in the day and they told her no....They had a call for her to run. She was tired of getting treated like crap and run into the ground.
I quit after harassment from coworkers, and after just getting fed up with the agency in general. Not on the spot though lol
We have had two. The first witnessed a mvc on the way back from a transfer and basicly had to watch the driver burn to death. He walked in droped his stuff on the table and walked out we never saw him again. The second was put on probation under another medics supervision for a mishandled call and elected to quit instead.