Cannabinoids and Medicine

You didnt answer my question

Was it always a violent area
Did it become violent after legalizing marijuana

I know the answer, i just want you to admit it. Marijuana is an inanimate object without the capacity to cause violence. If you left a trash bag of pot in a room unmolested, there wouldnt be a mass murder, just as if you leave a gun on a counter in your kitchen.

By your logic, if you fill a room with sarin gas it won't cause deaths. So it's not dangerous. Right?

But when you expose people to that room it's a different story.
If only the country had some history when we tried to prohibit a relatively high use drug due to its side effects. Last time I checked the only people who won were the mobs.
It became increasingly violent 10 fold after the growers moved in.

If you've watched Weed Wars that's where I live. Trinity County
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It became increasingly violent 10 fold after the growers moved in.

If you've watched Marijuana wars that's where I live. Trinity County

Alcohol production became relatively violent too. Now, the violence over alcohol is pretty much limited to moonshine in Appalachia... which is basically viewed by the rest of the country as being quaint.
OK, I will agree that large scale drug operations cause violence... thus legalize it.. its less harmful than booze.

People ON pot are not violent.. unless reaching for a snickers is violent

NOW.. back on topic?

Im not talking about smoking pot..yes it stimulates appetite, relives pain from chemo, reduces orbit pressure from glaucoma ...etc ...

Im talking about consumption of high grade and purity oil. Seizures, killing cancer cells... and on and on the list goes of what it does.
Im talking about consumption of high grade and purity oil. Seizures, killing cancer cells... and on and on the list goes of what it does.

So... Marinol...
So... Marinol...
That's what I was thinking... but I couldn't remember the name of the drug.

That's what I was thinking... but I couldn't remember the name of the drug.

I've got an inpatient on it right now. My favorite prescription, however, is the 15mcg/hr fent patch q48 hours. MMmmmm... fent patches....
Just what I was thinking. What is the issue with the FDA approved drug that does everything the natural does except het one high?

What's wrong with getting high?

Work in biological anthropology and neurotheology has been done on the co-evolution of religiosity and substances/practices that alter consciousness. The sheer amount of naturally occurring substances that produce altered states is staggering. It really seems that we have evolved mechanisms that take advantage of drugs and practices such as meditation, and that by and large these mechanisms lead to benefits for the experiencer. Getting "high" may be a perfectly normal thing to due from this standpoint. It may also be profoundly therapeutic for anxiety, depression, and terminal illness. There was one trial using LSD in terminally ill folks with death anxiety; controlled use was found to induce enduring acceptance of their immenet mortality (these effects continued well after drugs wore off).

I am speaking here of psilocybin, LSD, and cannabinoids. I do not support legalization or use or many other illegal drugs that do not have the benefits that many hallucinogens appear to.
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So... Marinol...
Not quite.

CBD's are the active ingredients in marijuana that gives it the anti-convulsant, anti-inflammatory and anti-psychotic properties, same goes for the cancer cell properties (disputable, as I cannot find a non-biased study). Active ingredient in Marinol is Delta 9- THC. THC is obviously the part that gets people high, but along with that it is an anti-emetic, but obviously lacks all the CBDs that make it more beneficial than Marinol. THC also has strong tendency to bring out psychotic properties, which CBDs help to counter act

So, going with that that mmj has quite a lot more benefits than just Marinol. However, I agree with several that the mmj system is abused. It needs to be tightened down, so that actual patients don't get labeled as abusers, causing possible future complications for them. Currently, many of the supposed "patients/ doctors" are not helping the cause in one slightest bit.
I think overall prohibition is a process that is occurring because of the overall ignorance surrounding the "tabooed," just as you mentioned with alcohol. People are afraid of the unknown.

Anti psychotic properties:
Marinol vs MMJ:
Anti-convulsant properties:

Just what I was thinking. What is the issue with the FDA approved drug that does everything the natural does except het one high?
Again, not quite. As I stated before, THC is the psychoactive component of MMJ and the main ingredient of Marinol. It is currently in the process of being reformulated to likely reduce the side effects. Side effects of Marinol include:
mood changes;
dizziness, trouble concentrating;
feeling "high";
weakness, lack of coordination;
anxiety, confusion;
stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
warmth or tingly feeling; or
sleep problems (insomnia).

You can refer to the link from NORML I posted that goes further in depth on the causation.
Edit: I apologize for the wall of text. It's late and I went a little over board, haha.
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Just found an interesting link. Might help some to understand a little more that this is not about "smoking pot" but the consumption of Cannabinoids that activate Cannabinoid receptors.

So Im gonna share a few links in hopes of a greater understanding of what Im speaking.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information
Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced apoptosis in Jurkat leukemia T cells is regulated by translocation of Bad to mitochondria.

"Mykayla Comstock was born on June 20th 2005. On July 14th 2012 shortly after her seventh birthday Mykayla was diagnosed with intermediate risk T-Cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia that had metastasized to her brain and spinal fluid . Her parents knew right away that they wanted to use organic whole extract cannabis oil and cannabis juicing to help Mykayla both mitigate the horrible symptoms of chemotherapy and to help her body rid itself of leukemia."

Mykayla is in remission. I urge you to google her name.
I have had quite a few interactions with both 'legal' and 'not-that-illegal' marijuana users. Some of them had quite legitimate complaints and claimed that cannabis managed their pain quite well; most of the rest just liked to smoke dope.

I personally think that cannabis oil, depending on its effect, could potentially be a gamechanger in the management of chronic pain. Cannabis is far, far less dangerous than alcohol or opioids, and quite frankly, it is retarded to ignore the potential of cannabis in medicine simply because "it can get you high."

I know for real. Seeing that Opiates get people the highest when it comes to 'how good a drug makes you feel.' I think we can all agree that opioids make people feel the MOST euphoric out of any drug out there, and they are also the most addictive and opiate withdrawal is a nightmare. Cannabis is safe, non-addictive and can actually be good for ones health. But ganja won't ever be allowed totally in this country as big pharma don't want people to be able to grow their own medicine. Plus the private prison system emphatically lobbies for anti-marijuana laws.. Hell if the private prison system had their way we would all be living in prisons as slaves.. WE NEED TO END THE PRIVATE PRISON SYSTEM & THIS HORRENDOUS WAR ON DRUGS (aka War on People)!!
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marijuana is the safest "drug" on the market. its legal in 2 states and pretty much been legal in california for over 10 years, all you gotta pay is 20 bucks and say i cant sleep and you got your self a medical marijuana card :rofl:

my friend gets it for his dads epilepsy attacks and it really helps him. i dont know why the government is still thinkin they live in reefer madness world. lol
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