Bystanders Invading Your Ambulance


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This weekend I worked a large event as a BLS standby unit. The event requested 1 ALS and 1 BLS unit. We volunteered 2 ALS units, 1 BLS unit, and 2 medics. Following a 60 mile walk everyone was crowded into a park for the closing ceremonies. It was a sunny 90 degree day. Needless to say, we had far more patients than we could handle.

They throw an elderly female in my ambulance, clearly suffering from heat exhaustion. Vitals were good, all was good, but she wasn't feeling well and passed out. All of a sudden her daugher hops into my ambulance and keeps the back door open. I start asking who she is and if she can please close the back door, I'm losing all the AC, and she gives me this rant on how she's a nurse. That's fine, I could use a nurse, I just kicked a patient off of the cot so I could put her mother on it.

Then her husband, a MD, opens both back doors and starts giving me the "I'm a doctor routine". He hops in the ambulance. It's him, his wife, their mom, me, and another patient I have sitting on the captains chair. It's at that point that I say "Sir, I'm a very nice person, but I need you to get out of my ambulance." This goes on for a bit, then he leaves. Next we have the other lady's husband, and he wants to come in. I do the same routine.

The truth is, I simply wanted to room to do my work, and to keep the AC in the ambulance. It's not easy cooling down a mod in 90 degree heat. It's bad enough trying to keep it cool, but it's even harder when the doors and constantly opening and closing. Fortunately I had a partner that I used to work with step up and loudly say "You need to get out my the ambulance NOW".

How do you handle it? I really do believe it was in the patient's best interest. There is only so much room and AC in my ambulance, but they didn't seem to understand it. I didn't mind the nurses help, she was taking care of her mom while I took care of the other woman, but I wanted my ambulance back.
I think I saw this on another forum...

Anyhoo, I say; in a calm, professional tone;

"this is the patient, I am the medic, your in the way, there's the door, use it".

and then I lock the door.
I thought about locking the doors. I wanted to hear how others felt about this.
I would probably tell both of them, "This is my patient unless you want to accept medical responsibility and perform the transport...otherwise, leave my ambulance." Then I would also lock the doors.
I've never been very diplomatic, but "GET THE HELL OUT" has worked pretty well for me
Originally posted by Luno@Jul 22 2005, 04:20 AM
I've never been very diplomatic, but "GET THE HELL OUT" has worked pretty well for me

I was thinking a few days ago of what the board was realling missing... and realized it was more of your posts :D it's good to see ya active again!
We have a protocol for when doctors and nurses who "offer" assistance.

A) Nurses have no authority over us, whatsoever. We politely remind them that, thank them for their time, and ask them to leave. if they don't they get a police escort.

B) Doctors can take control if they read a statement from NY State and sign an acceptance of responsibility form. AND prove that they are in fact a doctor. 99.9% say "um, I forgot, I have a proctologist appointment" and run away as fast as they can.

The other thing I say sometimes is "I'm sorry ma'am, but it's ambulance company policy, the only people allowed in the back are the patients and the medics - you need to step out before we all get in trouble".

When in doubt, have your partner or the nearest PO bounce them out. :)
Regional protocol used to be Patients and EMS personnel only in the rear, we even had a sign that said that. It was easier to keep parents out, etc. We had a auto lock button on the "system command board" near the rear radio console. If things got rowdy, we locked down, then windows were wire screened so they couldn't break in. Would have been nice to have some of those pepper spray nozzles on the outside like they have on the presidential limo. State Protocol was that EMS was in charge of the scene, not the MD, not a Nurse; They could ride along, but have no handle over patient care unless they could provide documentation of what kind of physcian or nurse they were.
I would suggest then since they were medially trained that they should know, the importance of cooling her down etc.. to leave, thanks.. unless you want to assume responsability & transport her your self..mmm bye ....bye.. also, if you have another patient there is HIPPA.. confidentiallity...again.mmmmbye ..bye.

Be safe,
An MD/DO can take charge in PA with command permission, but they get to ride it in AND document.... I'd point out that they are a little close to the patient, and it isn't usually proper to treat family... Worse case, have 1 person ride, and otherwise kick them out of you rig....

I'm not big on family in the back of the rig.

My favriote thing is that locally some people think there is a magic number in the back that is "too many people" - I'm comfortable with myself, a secondary EMT i'm precepting, the medic, and, if nothing else is going on, I'm willing to let a 4th person from my service ride (we have wayy too many secondaries and attendants, and they don't get to ride enough.... so I'm willing to make sure they get a chance)
We need elctronic doors that close when we hit a button with heavy duty electonic locks, and maybe some tear gas jets outside to keep them out. I hate the "helpers" that stand there with the door open, or that demand to ride in in the patient compartment, or the doctor who turns out to be a podiatrist. I start with please close the door and progressively get to luno status
That's why I like Hortons...... they have ALL the doors (compartments, box and cab) on one switch....

Originally posted by MedicStudentJon@Jul 23 2005, 06:09 PM
That's why I like Hortons...... they have ALL the doors (compartments, box and cab) on one switch....

You leave that installed?

We have all the automatic doors disabled.. So we can't accidently lock ourselves out. The curb doors is always locked, and the rear door, only one side locks - which has a button to do so on the system controls in the rear and console in the front.
Originally posted by TTLWHKR+Jul 23 2005, 08:20 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (TTLWHKR @ Jul 23 2005, 08:20 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-MedicStudentJon@Jul 23 2005, 06:09 PM
That's why I like Hortons...... they have ALL the doors (compartments, box and cab) on one switch....

You leave that installed?

We have all the automatic doors disabled.. So we can't accidently lock ourselves out. The curb doors is always locked, and the rear door, only one side locks - which has a button to do so on the system controls in the rear and console in the front. [/b][/quote]
Heck yeah.... that's why when I was working transport in any truck I'd carry a spare set of keys.

Isn't that what the magic button in the grille is for, though???
Originally posted by MedicStudentJon+Jul 24 2005, 11:12 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (MedicStudentJon @ Jul 24 2005, 11:12 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by TTLWHKR@Jul 23 2005, 08:20 PM
@Jul 23 2005, 06:09 PM
That's why I like Hortons...... they have ALL the doors (compartments, box and cab) on one switch....


You leave that installed?

We have all the automatic doors disabled.. So we can't accidently lock ourselves out. The curb doors is always locked, and the rear door, only one side locks - which has a button to do so on the system controls in the rear and console in the front.
Heck yeah.... that's why when I was working transport in any truck I'd carry a spare set of keys.

Isn't that what the magic button in the grille is for, though??? [/b][/quote]
Depends... Do you want to be inservice, or out of service?

Lock yourself out... and it's extended lunch break!
I like Luno's approach. Clear to the point and really leaves no reason for the squatter to ask any more questions. :lol:
As I was taught by my instructor, get in the unit, close the door and lock it behind you, this helps for safety and privacy reasons. It really helps if you have a button that locks the doors from the rear compartment, so last man in locks doors, then uses the walk-thru to reach the cab.

If you need to leave the ambulance for any reason, be sure to always lock it behind you and cary a spare set of keys. Too bad that ambulances dont have the keypads on them, at least none that I have seen anyways.

Originally posted by Cap'nPanic@Sep 2 2005, 11:55 AM
then uses the walk-thru to reach the cab.
What are you smoking.... have you seen my picture??? last time I tried to use the "walk thru" I got stuck :ph34r: :blink: :( :wacko: :ph34r:

If you need to leave the ambulance for any reason, be sure to always lock it behind you and cary a spare set of keys. Too bad that ambulances dont have the keypads on them, at least none that I have seen anyways.


Philly's Horton's are spec'd with keypads on the back and curbside doors.

My paid co. has a policy that the trucks are ALWAYS LOCKED (at least off our locked lot) and also issues all crews 2 sets of keys, so that the truck can be left running (not that we are supposed to do that :rolleyes: ) or that either provider can get something from the truck.

Originally posted by MedicStudentJon@Sep 2 2005, 10:27 PM

What are you smoking.... have you seen my picture??? last time I tried to use the "walk thru" I got stuck :ph34r: :blink: :( :wacko: :ph34r:

That's what the KY Jelly is for...
Originally posted by TTLWHKR+Sep 2 2005, 11:11 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (TTLWHKR @ Sep 2 2005, 11:11 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-MedicStudentJon@Sep 2 2005, 10:27 PM

What are you smoking.... have you seen my picture??? last time I tried to use the "walk thru" I got stuck :ph34r: :blink: :( :wacko: :ph34r:

That's what the KY Jelly is for... [/b][/quote]
Wow, I thought it was for something else...