

Forum Deputy Chief
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I'm burnt out.

I quit my job today.. I just can't take it anymore, only nine years into EMS, and I've given up. Probably go back to being a park ranger. I have an ulcer, and yesterday I woke up feeling odd, like I wasn't myself. My BP was 218/110. I'm so stressed that I'm just out of place. I may come back to visit now and then, but I'm done for now.

Peace out.
You were the last person I expected to see that kind of announcement from.

Now I'll say this. I know we haven't seen eye-to-eye on some things, but I've always had a great deal of respect for you. I'll be sorry to see you go and will miss you.

But you gotta do what you gotta do. If you're not feeling right doing what you're doing, then you know you're right feeling you gotta do something else.

I can't say I know much about being a park ranger, but I assume it's a lot of outdoors, a lot of peace and quiet (hopefully), so that sounds like it will give you a good opportunity to decompress.

Again, sorry to see you go...and good luck with the future. :)

I'm sorry to see you go, and this place definately will not be the same without you.

Even if you are no longer in EMS, you are welcome to stop by and visit anytime.

Take care of yourself.
:o :o :o
I guess I'm tired... I must have mis-read this...

Guess not...
:sad: :sad:

Alex. I know we may have disagreed, but you ARE a big part of EMTlife... Including the 2-word posts ;)

I understand being burnt out... I'm starting to think I may be close to the edge too... I think you have too much of yourself invested in EMS to quit cold turkey... I can understand not wanting to do it as a full-time job...

Go back to being a park ranger, if you are happy doing that... Whatever you do... do something where you will be happy.


Dear Alex:

Thank you for all the great advice you have given me. Thank you for the support. I hope your health improves soon and you have my prayers, good thoughs and well-wishes toward that end. I understand and respect your decision, and I also know it must have been terribly difficult for you. You have mentioned your family previously, I know you have a support system in place. I've also observed many on this forum truly care for you, and I'm sure they will be there for you, I will be too. People burn out because they care. I know you care. You care about your patients. You care about your colleagues. You care about your career. You want to to things not only the right way for the sake of correctness, by also because of your ethics and morality. You also struck me as being quite a driven personality, not necessarily for the sake of ambition, but more so being passionate...deeply caring.

When I left my full-time and better-paying position at the hospital...I also did it for similar reasons. I took a huge hit on pay, and it hurts us, but we are working through it. I found I could no longer sacrifice my health, nor time with my husband. It destroyed my ability to sleep. That job was kind of the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I realized that for decades I had lived to please others and great cost to myself. Also my now three-year run on attempting to break into a paying position in EMS....also tires me, although I love my volunteer position, mind you. But I am now almost at a place to let go of the only dream I have had for years. So here I sit...approaching 40 this Friday, on anti-depressents and sleep aids...trying to let all the crap go and embrace that which is important to me.

So for different reasons and coming by it a different road, I understand a little where you are right now. I don't feel well physically, I am exhausted emotionally, I feel vulnerable and alone and friendless. Were it not for my husband, who stands by me no matter what....I would be utterly alone in this.

I have a great deal of sincere respect for you. I know you are doing what you have to do. Please know, for what little bit it is worth, you have a little EMT-B in central Illinois praying as hard for you, as she is for herself. May we both find what we are looking for, my friend.

Take care of yourself, please.

Sincerely and simply,
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:sad: Take care of your health, change your job but don't leave us!!!!!!!!
Alex is it??

Look man, I dont know you that well.. but when I first joined this forum you were great for advice.... I understandbeing burned out, itswhy I left Law enforcement But leaving thisforum? We'd MISS you!!! your great to talk to, even if you quit your job, as a new arrival to the field I look up and admire you....Id love as a request and plea for you to still return and talk on here even if it is to say "whats up Im alive still"

I wish you the BEST of luck in your endeavors but do hope you will stay with us
Alex best of luck being a park ranger and with your future plans. I to have been burning out of our department and right now am on leave for personal reasons. Although most of it is to do with our director. You do have an awesome support group and everyone is right this place will not be the same without so stop by frequenlty. Even though your not actively participating in an EMS group you still have alot of knowledge and can help out a lot of people that are new to the field. I would also encourage you to keep up your certification as that doesn't take a whole lot and at least if you would decide to venture back and work part time or full time as an EMT you are able to do so with out haveing to retake the whole class. I am also changing my pace of work and have gotten a job out at our local state park doing adminstrative stuff and what ever else they find for me to do. It is relaxing and a nice change of pace. So good luck on everything that you will be doing and hope to see you around.
I'm not quite sure what to say. This place won't be the same without you, and I hope that you still come back and visit, if nothing else but to keep us updated on stay in the loop.

You've been a leader in our community, and I hope you'll continue to visit and contribute. This place won't be the same without you.

Take care and stay in touch. I'm sure you have my personal email. Feel free to contact me.

Take care!
Dude, you can't totally leave. If you bail, nobody will laugh at my ridiculous jokes. :-D

C'mon, hang around at least! ;-)