Bridge Program for Paramedic to Nurse


A number assigned to you when you sign scripts for Schedule drugs, i.e, narcotics.


Community Leader
I always wanted to work either in ED or an Urgent Care. I am pretty familiar with the lifting required, but ED usually has couple strong men to help with lifting. As far as I remember, it is fast-paced, there is very little chance of having a patient on dilaudid at regular intervals. First 6 months after reinstatement I won't be allowed to dispense any narcs.
This is going to potentially cause issues with working in the ED. If you're hired into the ED, they'll have to know that you cannot dispense any narcs for 6 months and hopefully they'll accommodate this stipulation. Because of the fast pace, you'll have to very much depend upon your coworkers for retrieving, administering, and wasting narcotics for your patients and they may not have much time to do so. You will have to be very careful to NOT allow your name to be anywhere near the administration record of any patient receiving narcotics when those are administered. Don't even touch that stuff because you do not want any kind of accusation that you ever handled narcotics in any way, shape, or form while you're on your 6 month stip.

My simple advice is this: find a job that you can do that doesn't require you to administer any narcotics and that you can do for 6 months or so after reinstatement. That'll get you through the 6 months without problems. Then go looking for the job you really want because you'll have a clear-ish license without stips.
So, the question is not if I can get certified NOW, but would they let me to begin studying?
The EMT coursework only takes between 3 weeks and 3 months. Whether or not the school will allow you to begin study for EMT is up to the school and they may want/require a background check to be done before you start. After that, the certification body will require a background check to be done and based on what is found on your professional RN license and any other criminal matters that may be pending (I have no idea so I'm putting this out there), they may or may not certify you until your RN license is reinstated/clear. That is also up to the certifying body. Because EMT is such a low-level provider of care, they may be OK with you becoming EMT certified, but that stuff is out of your hands. I would put in some serious time contacting the various entities to see if what you want is even possible right now. I'm sure EMT certification will be allowable in time, but who knows what's possible right now.

As to your other plans to become an NP, your history will be seen by the DEA and they may or may not provide you with a DEA number that will allow you to prescribe narcotics... ever. So that could hamper your future plans and that stuff is also up to the DEA.


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
I have BSN and suspended RN license due to DUI. Broke my back twice, got addicted to drugs. Clean for 7 years now, no alcohol either for 4 years.
Please explain this to me: if you have been clean for 4 years, how is your license still suspended due to a DUI? I didn't even know DUIs were grounds for RN license suspension (because most don't drive as part of their job).

If you have been drug free for 7 years, how is your license suspended? In NC, licensees are valid for 2 years, so assuming your in another state where it's double that, and your license was suspended because you were using, doesn't that mean you had to renew your license while it was suspended?

Being addicted to drugs or alcohol sucks, and great work on being clean for several years. expect a huge uphill battle to get hired, especially because you were criminally convicted of a crime as a result of your former addiction.


ex-Parole officer/EMT
Idk if this will help anybody or if this will be a useless post. I had a parolee about a year ago that was convicted of: criminal poss controlled substance 3rd degree (C felony). Criminally possessing a hypodermic instrument. (A misdeam). which are two straight forward charges. I usually don't say this about my parolees but he was genuinely a good guy, and he always wanted to be a paramedic, but couldn't afford any schooling. I got him state funded money to go to school secured, but I could not get anybody to approve him to go to paramedic school. No matter who i called, how many times i vouched for him nobody and i mean nobody would go near his case with a 10 foot pole. Not to be cynical, idk what exactly your charges were, but i do know that the DEA is not very big on taking risks/chances. I would expect an uphill battle, a very very large uphill battle. You will need to find somebody that works in law enforcement, specifically federal law enforcement to give you a character reference or something along those lines In my honest opinion.


Flight Nurse
I didn't even know DUIs were grounds for RN license suspension (because most don't drive as part of their job).

DUIs absolutely can result in license suspension and is probably one of the most common reasons aside from drug issues. Pretty much any criminal conviction that shows lack of ethics or judgment can be seen as "unprofessional conduct" and result in issues getting or renewing your license. Nursing is probably one of the most stringent professional licensures.