BEWARE ER Ambulance of El Cajon, CA

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Forum Ride Along
I am posting this as a warning to hopeful EMTs looking for jobs in San Diego, California. ER Ambulance (in El Cajon of San Diego) has a clever way of getting free labor from prospective employees. They prey on qualified EMTs that are in need of work by making them do two unpaid "ride-alongs" on their ambulances as a supposed way of training/evaluating new people. The ride-alongs are usually entire shifts that last at least 10 hours each, which means that a prospective employee will be doing at least 20 hours of unpaid labor before they are considered for hiring. Although some EMTs are eventually hired this way, most are simply used by the company and rejected from further consideration (I was lied to by my supervising EMT, Krystal, who claims that the company has "over 50 EMTs" when they actually only have ~10 total employees). Victims are lured to do this by ads that promise $150+ of sign-on bonuses on sites such as Craigslist. Although new workers are told that they would be doing "ride-alongs," they are actually required to do everything that a paid employee is required to do, which places them at risk because they are not insured and are reliable for themselves (no formal contract has been signed with the company). The company is exploiting a current dearth of legal protections for workers that are "under consideration" for hiring; in contrast to interns, victims do not sign any liability forms, are not informed beforehand that they would be doing actual labor, and are not offered any record of their participation in the "ride-along" evaluation. I became aware of this during my own ride-along sessions when I overheard employees discussing this exploitation (Krystal herself), how the company will eventually be shut down, and how they want to "get out" of this company and work for someone else. Other EMT companies consider ER to be a joke, especially when they see EMTs in the distinctive "white shirt" that ER ride-along prospectives wear. If you want more information about this, PM me and I will tell you all about the ride-alongs (where I was required to do everything in the back while the actual EMT just drove; I was the only other person in the ambulance).
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Forum Angel
It's called a third ride. I have found this to be pretty standard at places I have been applying to.

I had an interview today and was told I would be doing 16 third rides before it would be decided if I could be a second. Granted those are paid shifts. 12 hours each.

So...did they not tell you what you would be doing? It was only two shifts. I don't see it being that big of a deal. Always be careful of the companys that post their job openings on Craigslist. If they have to seek out employees instead of people finding them. It usually isn't that great of a company.


Forum Captain
While employers may in fact ask you to do "trial" shifts, I very much believe what the OP is claiming. I have heard many stories from previous employees, and that company is a joke. You've been forewarned and as JP stated why not report them to the county I'm sure they'd be interested in the matter.


Forum Ride Along
Thanks for the link JPINFV; I've already reported to the FTC and BBB and the EMSA will be next.


Forum Lieutenant
Do some research on the company... you'll be VERY surprised on what you find. They're in CA for a reason, they didn't start here...

And you're right, they are sketchy in regards to that "try and buy" hiring stuff.

you'll notice faded phone numbers on the side of their rigs with east coast area codes... there's a reason for it.


Forum Asst. Chief
I really can't believe you would be so bold as to post someones name on this forum, you open yourself and this forum to liable... tsk


Forum Ride Along
Why not? It's not slander; it's simply telling the truth. I was lied to in an environment where professionalism and ethical conduct are paramount, and they should have kept that in mind before doing that. Somebody has to step up and at least attempt to stop the scam, and if I have to name names to start, then I will do it. I hope the people who are reading this will keep the names in mind if they're stubborn enough to do ride-alongs regardless of what they've read.


Forum Asst. Chief
Why not? It's not slander; it's simply telling the truth. I was lied to in an environment where professionalism and ethical conduct are paramount, and they should have kept that in mind before doing that. Somebody has to step up and at least attempt to stop the scam, and if I have to name names to start, then I will do it. I hope the people who are reading this will keep the names in mind if they're stubborn enough to do ride-alongs regardless of what they've read.

First of all, the EMS community is relatively small and what you do in one agency may follow you to the next. The old adage of don't burn bridges apply here. Secondly if you cannot back up your claims made above with proof, then yes you can be libel. I suspect the moderators will delete some or all of your post...


Forum Lieutenant
First of all, the EMS community is relatively small and what you do in one agency may follow you to the next. The old adage of don't burn bridges apply here. Secondly if you cannot back up your claims made above with proof, then yes you can be libel. I suspect the moderators will delete some or all of your post...
This can be very careful......a google search of ER ambulance brings this post up first and foremost, so again, moderation is warranted here...


Forum Ride Along
First of all, the EMS community is relatively small and what you do in one agency may follow you to the next. The old adage of don't burn bridges apply here. Secondly if you cannot back up your claims made above with proof, then yes you can be libel. I suspect the moderators will delete some or all of your post...

Thanks for your input Sandog. I guess it would be unfair to name the person directly, since it seems that I'm placing all of the blame on that person (which I don't intend to do), but I've been trying to edit the post without success since the deadline for that is past. Fortunately, section 230 of the Communications Decency Act protects ISPs and internet forums from liability for third party claims, and First Amendment rights make any suit for defamation incredibly difficult to prove in the US. But we're getting a bit besides the point :p.

It can be considered that what you do eventually comes back to you. In this case, if they've been doing this for a long time, then it's about time that this caught up to them.


Forum Lieutenant
It's understandable to feel frustrated and used, based on what you said.

Sandog is soooo right though, the boot you step on today may be kicking your butt tomorrow. EMS is small here, and trust me, you're not the first one I've heard say the same things about the same company.

Karma is a b@#*h.. it will come back and haunt you, whether an individual or a company. I for one would be feeling more pity for their EMT's than anger at the management.
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Forum Ride Along


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M.Sc., OMS-I
Premium Member
Wow, that sounds sketchy at best. It is unfortunate that there is a surplus of EMTs and they end up getting taken advantage of because there are those willing to take low wages (or in this case, no wages) in order to secure some sort of work.

I won't blast all companies that advertise on Craigslist, but as another poster mentioned, the companies with good reputations, competitive salaries, and satisfied employees usually do not have to advertise openings at all, and have a stack of resumes and applications to select from. As always, be warned, and don't screw everyone else by taking little or no compensation for work you are trained to do. It just makes it easier for the other employers to lower their wages...

I would be irresponsible if I didn't take this opportunity to mention (like I do so often), that as always, lack of professionalization and higher education is largely to blame.


What day is it?
Fortunately, section 230 of the Communications Decency Act protects ISPs and internet forums from liability for third party claims, and First Amendment rights make any suit for defamation incredibly difficult to prove in the US. But we're getting a bit besides the point :p.

I'm no law expert, but the way I read that is that this forum can not be held liable, for what is posted. BUT you don't own this forum, so I don't believe that you are protected under that since you are the one that posted it.

Like others said be more careful about using names in future posts.


Forum Crew Member
So, you did a ride along for employment and did all the work and was not offered a second ride along or the job? Is it possible that maybe you did not preform up to par or as expected??? I don't know because I wasn't in you rig or on your crew. Do you have proof that there are only "10 actual employees" That is kind of weird right. Lastly, I think listening to some un-happy EMT's isn't really a way to judge the company. What is BLS anyway man? It's getting experience , Quality pt care safe TX and..oh yeah, making a ton of money...:lol: Your company has no bearing on that stuff man. That's you and your partner. Whatever though...
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Forum Culinary Powerhouse
One of the guys I work with used to work there, has nothing good to say about them. He told me that he sued the owner for not paying him correctly or some such shenanigannery. I'll see if I can get a little info out of him tomorrow.


Forum Captain
The moral of the story is:

Do NOT apply to any jobs listed on Craigslist.

They might as well call that scamlist. It's free and it's full of fraud. Start looking at online ad agencies geared toward EMS jobs. Check your Sunday paper. There are plenty of reliable sources where you can look for a job. Why on earth would you look on Craigslist?
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